OnePageMoar's feed

Feel conflicted, because I want to like this and there are so many aspects I enjoy. But then certain things just keep rubbing me the wrong way and, well, now I'm raw and tired of it.

I'm not saying this is bad, or that it's the author-same doing. This is fiction, so it shouldn't be held to the standards of reality.

It's just that having MC repeatedly painted as a weak character (mentally and physically) with a major health condition - only for him to be tossed around like a ragdoll without repercussion? It just creates this disconnect every time it's brought up, which is soooo often.

Not saying MC is poorly written, or that he doesn't have his strengths! He does. There is complexity, his character isn't shoehorned into "someone with health issues."

It's more the repetition with which is brought up, regardless of seeing how rough he is consistently being treated. Yes- the author does occasionally show it having an effect on him. But, it feels more like a reminder of "look, he is sick" with how fleeting it is.

Maybe it's because I'm a visual reader. I compare it to having a movie that takes place during a monsoon yet nothing is ever shown to be wet. They constantly bring up the storm, and even have characters come in from outdoors mentioning how heavy their clothes are with water- yet they are bone dry. They go through the motion of wringing out their shirt, but it's like it never happened when they sit on the couch the next moment- as if they wouldn't soak the fabric.