OnePageMoar July 15, 2024 6:50 pm

I started out enjoying this, but the last 10 chapters have just felt like the story is dragging it's feet. I don't feel any real interest in continuing because it feels so... static and predictable?

The story is based around the game/guild community but shows very little understanding about what that actually entails. It makes it feel really outta place for someone who is actually a hard-core gamer. In the beginning that was fine. I figured the "game" aspect was just an extra setting flare. But no. They revolve everything around in game drama etc yet it's written like it's by someone who has never gamed. (It feels like watching someone pretend they play basketball, only to see they never dribble the ball.)

It wouldn't bother me so much if the story felt so one note. MC is blushy and easy to rile. ML is pushy and easy to amuse. That's it. One says "stop touching me" and the other goes "I'm not touching you." That essentially the entire story, repeated again and again through small actions.

The art is good. The characters are relatively likeable. The dialogue is cohesive and humorous. Overall this isn't a bad story! I can see why one may enjoy it. It's a good fluff read. Characters are enjoyable.

As an avid gamer, however, this left me feeling annoyed despite having cute moments.

    2ha broke me July 15, 2024 6:53 pm

    Well right now they’re trying to wrap all loose ends up because the story is about to end (ends in like 10 chapters) so we’ve basically already passed the climax of the story and are on the resolution with seyoung and heejae figuring out how to go about with their relationship

    волк July 15, 2024 7:42 pm
    Well right now they’re trying to wrap all loose ends up because the story is about to end (ends in like 10 chapters) so we’ve basically already passed the climax of the story and are on the resolution with ... 2ha broke me

    OnePageMoar July 15, 2024 9:29 pm
    Well right now they’re trying to wrap all loose ends up because the story is about to end (ends in like 10 chapters) so we’ve basically already passed the climax of the story and are on the resolution with ... 2ha broke me

    Yeah, that's where the issue lies with me. The pacing of it all is off. The "climax" happened too early, and this coasting plateau leading towards the wrap up is lackluster for me. (This may not be the case for non-mmorpgamers.) But the way the loose ends are being tied up ruins the game aspect for me, which turns a plateau into a downward slide in my interest. This is because the way they are tying up loose ends makes their game world unappealing to me, due to the way the story treats this aspect.

    The characters are good and I understand where they are going in terms of character story and general plot. It's the use of the gaming aspect that has me disconnected. But this is because it doesn't match with my expierence in this type of community, and the ways it does makes MC/ML unlikable characters. As in: I would avoid them in game, chat and events.

    Which throws me off, because I do like MC/ML as characters. It's just when I view it as a gamer I'm no longer able to enjoy the way this unfolds.

    donghyuk July 15, 2024 10:03 pm

    You should read My Guildmate Next Door

    2ha broke me July 16, 2024 3:46 am
    Yeah, that's where the issue lies with me. The pacing of it all is off. The "climax" happened too early, and this coasting plateau leading towards the wrap up is lackluster for me. (This may not be the case for... OnePageMoar

    I mean they’re nice to their guild and powerful people I don’t see how I would hate them but rather be jealous ¯_(ツ)_/¯
    I mean to be dating and powerful in game is amazing but you do you…
    To be honest what’s wrong with the climax happening early? They’re basically just including things that would be side stories as the main story, so if you don’t like it just don’t read it? And your experience with the gaming community doesn’t defines anyone, but ofc this is your opinion stuff and i respect that

    OnePageMoar July 16, 2024 5:58 pm
    I mean they’re nice to their guild and powerful people I don’t see how I would hate them but rather be jealous ¯_(ツ)_/¯ I mean to be dating and powerful in game is amazing but you do you…To be honest ... 2ha broke me

    The issue is with the way the approach guilds and game dynamics. They use guilds as a prop, but don't seem to understand how they actually function. They use a guild like they do CEOs in stories- as a symbol of power, while ignoring the fact he can't simply be going on dates 24/7 while simultaneously being a master business man.

    In a game you spend a lot of time and effort. That was the entire main plotpoint- MC wanting revenge for what ML did to his guild. So they display in the story how important this is. And yet... they treat the guild/game like it's not important to the story. Simply passing ownership of a guild is not a simple thing. If I were in their guild, I would be beyond disheartened at my entire game being ruined over someone else's lover's spat.

    I could go on for all the aspects that simply confused me, given they made the plot of this story supposed to be tied directly to their involvement with games. But I won't because none of that makes it a "bad" story.

    I do feel it is a decent story! I do enjoy the art and characters. I agree it is a good fluff read. It's simply that- as a gamer who chose this for the game related plot I only found it decent. Not bad. Just not what I had hoped for.

    It's like if you see someone writing a story about your job position. You're proud of your position, you know what goes into it: you know how stressful it can be. So you pick a movie about your job- but the person on the screen shows your job as being super glamorous. The way they act would get you fired in your real job, but they behave like in the movie and get praise. What is seen as cool in the movie you recognize as being cutting corners, and a lawsuit waiting to happen.

    I simply can't help but feel a bit off.

    I was excited to see a story that involves my community. It was just disappointing to realize it was utilized in a way that made me feel like the author doesn't game. Which, again, is fine!

    I just feel it's fair to mention on a story revolving around mmorpgs that it is handled in a fictional sense. It is still good for casual readers! Just those who picked it specifically for the guild aspect, as it appears like it is more important to the story than it is, may also be blindsided.

    2ha broke me July 16, 2024 10:22 pm
    The issue is with the way the approach guilds and game dynamics. They use guilds as a prop, but don't seem to understand how they actually function. They use a guild like they do CEOs in stories- as a symbol of... OnePageMoar

    Well it seems the guild members were close to seyoung and approved of it so it completely disregards your “if it were me” Like I said not everyone is you. Seyoung has met them and could’ve easily gotten close with the guild off screen enough to get passed leadership without reject? And if you can do the “if it were me” well as someone whose in a game with guild pvp and guild leadership roles, if my guild leader handed leadership off to someone else that was trustworthy I would totally be ok with it. I feel you’re being blindsided by “if it were me” and “the gaming community HAS to be how I perceive it”, etc. Pass ownership of the guild can be simple since Heejae is literally still in the guild and can help lead. If anything you could look at it like a dual leadership. And again, every guild member was fine with it, Seyoung clearly had a good relationship with his guild, and you can also see he has skills from his fight with Heejae in the beginning.

    In fact the big thing with taking revenge for his guild was literally solved in earlier episodes as he felt it wasn’t that big and the stuff he did to get the staff was enough. He took his revenge but felt bad and dipped on Heejae. That was his revenge. I mean he’s a full grown adult, getting so affected by a game to go and ruin heejae’s livelyhood isn’t an adult thing to do…

    And this is a game, not a CEO plot, he can go on dates often and not have to deal with being guild master for fucks sake its a game

    And if anything he’s not going on dates 24/7… the comic would be so boring if they had to show every second of heejae leading his guild and playing games. While it’s part of the story it’s NOT the focus hence why it doesn’t have much light shed on it, I mean if someone is a gamer you can easily assume anytime that is not show in the comic is probably when heejae is on the game¯_(ツ)_/¯

    OnePageMoar July 17, 2024 12:20 am
    Well it seems the guild members were close to seyoung and approved of it so it completely disregards your “if it were me” Like I said not everyone is you. Seyoung has met them and could’ve easily gotten c... 2ha broke me

    I was using a general comparison to a used trope, not directly the idea of going on dates. I meant the behavior in general.

    I don't see a point in going through and contesting everything you're saying, because it isn't related to the point I intended to make. I clearly don't know how to properly verbalize it.

    So I'll just agree to disagree. Your opinion is clearly valid! I'm just not able to convey what my issue is, as the semantics you covered weren't related to it. So that's my failing with communication.

OnePageMoar June 21, 2024 8:03 pm

I agree fella needs to be punished.

However... this was not the right way. XD This is how you CREATE an antagonist! Fella was loyal enough to leave and vow his silence, refusing money in an attempt to show it. His anger was directed at himself failing at that point.

But then ML just had to go and give this guy a reason to want revenge on him? To have hostility towards the wizard?! Seems like a bad move.

Like punish him and strip his memory. If you can remove his peen you can remove/muddle with his memory.

Maybe I'm just paranoid. Or maybe he did that and we just weren't shown it.

    Shizun June 23, 2024 11:57 pm

    Hey he didn’t get killed. Be glad he bottom magic done instead lmaoooooooooooo

    OnePageMoar June 24, 2024 1:45 am
    Hey he didn’t get killed. Be glad he bottom magic done instead lmaoooooooooooo Shizun

    If he got killed it would be preferable, as then he wouldn't have the opportunity to harbor resentment. I was more concerned that he just created seeds for this guy to want revenge.

    Shizun June 24, 2024 3:51 pm
    If he got killed it would be preferable, as then he wouldn't have the opportunity to harbor resentment. I was more concerned that he just created seeds for this guy to want revenge. OnePageMoar

    It’s a webcomic let the author have some fun.

    OnePageMoar June 24, 2024 8:21 pm
    It’s a webcomic let the author have some fun. Shizun

    It's a webcomic let the reader have opinions.

    Oh no June 27, 2024 2:49 pm

    Usually, this is the seed to a side couple and a sign that he's gonna be the next bottom, dunno though

    OnePageMoar June 27, 2024 6:38 pm
    Usually, this is the seed to a side couple and a sign that he's gonna be the next bottom, dunno though Oh no

    I can see how someone would feel that way!

    To me, leaving him excommunicated is a more logical door for side-couple. He has all the key factors needed: showed interest in men, heartbroken, in need of a place to belong, and previously devoted. Him being won over by a uke, accepting his lingering feelings towards MC are admiration, and then settling down content.

    The way it went leans more towards creating a villain who will show back up. I get the vibe MC will be pushed to kill him at some point. (Or let ML kill him, or feel torn that ML had to kill him.) Gives me more "plot device" and less "spin off."

    BUT, I am by no means trying to say "you're wrong," just sharing my take. I can definitely see how there could still be spin-off potential, it's just not where my mind instantly went.

OnePageMoar June 14, 2024 2:38 am

Feels like this should have remained a novel. That, or a looottt more time needed to go into the pacing of this webcomic. It feels like everything happens so very quickly in a disjointed manner.

Things don't have time to take hold. I find myself wondering "what is happening?" only for the scene to drastically shift again and leave me lost.

Chapter 17 should have been split into multiple chapters. You can't have a "plot shifting" important series of events all take place within 1 chapter and expect it to feel satisfying! By chapter 18 I felt like I'd been bamboozled.

This has the bones of an interesting read. Unfortunately it doesn't deliver.

OnePageMoar May 19, 2024 3:39 pm

This is decent, it just has a few things that irk me.

The primary annoyance for me is the fact that MC being colorblind and ML being scentblind is poorly utilized. It comes up so very rarely I forget it's even an aspect of the story. This could have given much more content to the plot if utilized properly. The fact they both needed to struggle in their fields would be great bonding fodder. Instead it's used in a minor conversation and never brought up again.

This would be the same story without them being color/scentblind.

OnePageMoar April 29, 2024 7:03 pm

This is good yet felt unsatisfying at the same time. Art is good, plot is nice and characters are interesting. However... it has a heavy tone that it doesn't quite deliver on. It feels like it should have been quite a bit longer.

It has topics such as death, rape, abuse, neglect and more yet they are handled so lightly. They will be touched on, the depth occasionally acknowledged, and then moved on from instantly. This feels unfufilling.

There are also a number of things that feel as if they've been left unanswered, but in a way it felt like they were forgotten about.

Basically- it feels like a full length novel was condensed into a short story. Enjoyable but like something is missing.

    ladyyaz June 6, 2024 10:23 am

    Is it a novel adaptation ?

    OnePageMoar June 6, 2024 6:35 pm
    Is it a novel adaptation ? ladyyaz

    I don't believe so; summary says "Original Webcomic."

    ladyyaz June 6, 2024 8:44 pm

    damn now I'm not too sure I want to read it

OnePageMoar April 29, 2024 3:59 pm

This feels like a writer had a bunch of scenes in mind and forcibly tied them together. It's less about a plot/story and more about "exciting" scenes playing out. It would be fine if it didn't present itself as a deeper story. The amount of inner dialogue makes it appear as of the author wanted this to have feelings attached, but that is all thrown out by how the characters interact.

I mean.... really? The trope that gets this rolling is a "straight" guy going to "teach" his gay friend how to have sex? What? That doesn't even make pretend sense. That's like saying I'll teach someone how to be vegan by feeding them meat. It makes no sense.

OnePageMoar March 25, 2024 9:58 pm

This strikes me as a writer who had a bunch of scenes in mind but didn't consider how to make them cohesive. Everything is very fast paced and jarring. You don't have a chance to connect to any of the characters before a new one is introduced... and then another. :S Everything that happened within 15 chapters could have made for a compelling story if it had been spread out to maybe 50 or so. This would have given time for things to build and for us to get an idea/opinion on characters.

But no. It goes from "thoughtful guy who gave space to uncle/nephew" to a sudden "yelling and accusing partner, most likely hot headed."

Then "infatuated because uncle has a nice body" to suddenly "protective, standing up for uncle, borderline lovesick behavior, annnd acting like he knows everyone involved and calling out others faults."

Oh and "friend with unrequited love for years who always acted like a stable rock and source of advice" to "yelling at uncle, looking at him like he's a whore and passing instant judgments."

Like, how much of a yoyo can these characters be? The writer clearly had an idea about the characters when coming up with the story... only to not share any of it with us.

    winter March 25, 2024 10:01 pm

    You took the words right out my mouth, thank you for explaining so clearly because it was just that..
    Its wayyyyyy to fast paced

    Xsmisee March 26, 2024 4:09 am

    Seriously.. just the characterization is making no sense?! It's such a a cheap cop out to try and justify the end game. I'm really glad most readers feel the same

OnePageMoar March 10, 2024 10:08 pm

It changed so much that I thought I missed a 5 year timeskip or something. Characters look older, and have lost facial range. Expressions feel very cookie cutter, whereas in season 1 they had feeling put into it. I tried to keep going... but I feel a strong disconnect now.

It's not that the art is "bad" it's just very different from season 1. So much so that it gives the story a different vibe. If it started out with this art I don't think it'd feel so jarring. But the change totally switched up the reading expierence for me. I feel less connected to the characters, their emotions and the plot overall. It just strikes me as a bit hollow and unfinished.

OnePageMoar March 7, 2024 7:05 am

This makes me think of a first time author who jotted down a bunch of ideas and was determined to fit all of them in. It leads to fast pacing, overused cliches and awkward characters. It feels like it wasn't well thought out, and instead has been rushed to completion. Just another MC who activley works towards changing a plot only to... be suprised/worried the plot is changing

I can already see the checklist
-cold ML who falls for FL instantly, despite notoriously not liking women
-cold ML who is only warm to FL (for some reason this is supposed to show how special FL is, instead of the reality ML is self centered)
-ML is so crazy for FL he is obsessive/possesive, (cuz apparently that's supposed to be "sweet")
-contract relationship with time limit (that will constantly be mentioned)
-FL takes over evil woman, begins acting nice
-abused child who is suddenly treated well (since trauma is apparently easily fixed with a smile)
-Prince who likes/needs FL (because we need royal drama)
-magic that is unique to FL (need some excuse for her to be relevant, after all)
-FL starts to fall for ML, but thinks he doesn't like her (again, need drama)
-ML likes FL but won't just say it until much later (I guess honesty is less entertaining than season long miscommunication/misunderstandings)

Art is pretty tho. Gotta at least give em that.

    yuukisakura April 6, 2024 6:24 am

    Yupp.. Hope the author grow and write better in the future.. Bcuz people always starts somewhere.. Too bad tho.. I like stories with loving parents and kids.. Plus getting super dried off reading materials... Hope more good ones will show up soon

OnePageMoar March 2, 2024 6:51 am

Cute art and characters, that's for sure!

However... I wish it wasn't so short. It really left me feeling like this was an unfinished draft that was changed into a short story. No character development, no real info on the characters in general- just short fluff. I can tell the writer put thought into it from the author's note... so it would have been nice to see that realized.

As pretty and cute as it was, I felt rather meh about it. MC felt very childish and only gets his way through his tears. He comes across as a total child. I understand that ML finds that "endearing" but as a reader it feels kinda off putting. All I can think of MC as is a manchild who would need ML to play the mommy role. It just reminds me of all the women complaining that their men expect them to do everyyyything to the point of feeling like a mom. xD

I wish this was at least 20 chapters and that they touched on A) MC taking care of himself like an adult B) brief explanation of imprinting, or hinting that they imprinted C) ML voicing his thoughts D) MC doing something to show ML he cares for him beyond just crying.

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