The art style changed midway and my friend happened to see me reading (they all were glowing like shii) bro said it looked like p*rnhwa, threw me off so bad lmao
I just realized he's the man smirkint behind everyone at the cover. Lol, I've been windering why he's familiar when he showed up at that certain chapter, turns out he's been the one I stared the longest at when looking at the cover photo lolol
I hope they don't change the art style mid publication, of so good WHAT AN EYECANDY, BABY TRACYYYY
Good reads, has a summary of what to expect on the mangas that are inside, so I def recommend checking this one, hihi
It says that the appearance of a direct descendant of their clan is like Callipso and her siblings, just curious why their dad doesn't have that clumps of white color in his hair too, despite being a direct descendant.
This frustrates the hell out of me good for Weiwei, cuz I would have been sent to prison for a lifetime because i don't have her patience and would prolly punch the living daylight of that bitch
I still cry when reding this even though I've already read the LN I'm so weak for Penelope
THE BROTHER!? I'VE NEVER BEEN ATTRACTED TO AN OLDER BROTHER FROM A MANHWA BEFORE. (Might've been, but already forgot. I'm a goldfish.)
Fvck, sorry for assuming things quickly, but that last panel where the second uncle showed up gave me bad feelings. PKS DON'T BE A BAD UNCLE.
Someone said MC Baekhyun looks like Jack Frost and now I can't read it without my brain overlapping Jack Frost and Baekhyun together HAHAHAHAHAHAHA LMFAOAOAOAOA
I feel like the moment Schuer's smiling mask breaks and her emotions finally catches up and overwhelms her, and she breaks down, I might also be crying like shii.