Great artwork, though a bit confusing. The patterns on the shoji, on the clothes and the movements of the ghost all blur together in lots of patches of black and white, so it's hard to see what's actually happening. I guess in the arnime, that can become more clear. I do however totally agree that whoever hurts cats deserves anything they get.
These drawings are fabulous. It reminds me of the art from Roger Rabbit, Rupert Bear, Winnie the Pooh (the original drawings, not Disney), and even Tintin. Not at all manga-lized, really original. Real puppies and kitties, and real little boys at the same time. Simple and super funny. This is a major artist at work, people.... Hopefully there's lots more to come!
This is what the Japanese mangaka do best: describing an emotional and psychological evolution of a character, in a lovely and funny way. Better than samurai slicing and space adventures, demon slaying or yaoi smudge (although they do all that pretty good too).
That cat is a funny little bitch, hissing and scratching but caring nonetheless
The screaming and the grimaces are a bit exaggerated...
Ik they dont don anything but I'm still scared of them