This question pops up regularly here, and I gotta say that as a gay man, it has never bothered me (and idk how many of the complainers are gay men themselves). Yeah, of course it's not realistic - most stories aren't realistic anyway. I doubt the het stories are even remotely realistic either. In other words: this is clearly (?) an issue based on ......
well, homophobia is a thing I don't think a lot of guys will be comfortable outing themselves where the country they live in is homophobic plus lately, I started to notice male BL authors started to pop up here and there, just give it a time; BL started to make it in seinen field not fully romance but plot with hints of romance which is a huge impr......
Most people in this thread need to read Until I Met My Husband which is based on an essay written by an actual Japanese gay activist about their life and even he mentions that BL/Yaoi doesn’t have the same objective as him. Majority of BL is written by women for other women, it’s not great because a lot of it fetishizes gay men. Women can total......
am i the only one who finds it odd?