And will not... As an Indian and as a hindu it is very disrespectful if the shiva lingam is actually put in "places" ... I'm sorry but didn't expect this from asian writers... They should know better as our gods and deities are common or similar. One can imagine fictitious deva, or kami and play along with it but to use an actual symbol of worship is a little disheartening. What we here call 'saraswati' is "Biancaitian" in Chinese and "Bensaiten" in Japanese, Kisshooten (吉祥天) is called lakshmi here... Google Kangiten and then google Ganesha both are same god called by different name in Japan and india.
For people of non eastern religion or culture, it is like using cross or rolled paper of quran or bible as sexual toys. Anyway, if it is artistic liberty, then so be it. I love you.

Maybe the writer is an atheist.

Fuck author for not respecting religion

Truthfully... I wanted to read a gayish or shoujo/shounen ai not Yuri... :/ But even the Yuri part should have been played better... It could have been a very good story... I need closer..

This manga says it's still on go everybody keep saying it's done is there more chapters coming or is there just people that stop reading this manga
I'll be too grateful if someone cooks fir me such delicious meals...