I don't know why...but I Just can't imagine doc dan and jaekyung in a relationship anymore. Jeakyung has utterly humiliated doc dan..like imagine when doc dan gets to know this. How would they feel if someone exposed them naked in front of someone without them knowing .. so fucking gross.Everyone is just simping for this man like they don't even care what's he doing ofc he's gonna end up with this dick but I just hope Dan find someone better or mf jk just die of a heartattack or smth (omg did I just wish for someone's death .?YEAH )☠
What the-
What the fuck-
What the hell-
Have you lost your mind-
What are you-
What's the big idea-
Are you done-
Bwahahahaha too accurate XDDDD
The only words he only ever knows
Lmfao! Let’s not forget the “… why, I oughta just-