Okay but i don't see why he had to pretend to be the omega mom this whole time....? They're literally twins he could've just taken care of the kid as an uncle....???? What do you mean "I had no choice but to replace him" girl what and he's working as himself at his job and then going to the preschool as the brother like the logistical nightmare, who's benefit is this for??? Like the more i think the more dumb it sounds ??? Are you faking it for the kid? And when the kid grows up then what? Mom goes to work and suddenly becomes a new person like what in the...

It's just my guess
Well...I think it's not because of the child, he just wanted to be pair with Ren even if it meant as an excuse to be substitute for his twin
Or, it could really be because he didn't want to see his nephew grow up without mother
Or, it could also be because he couldn't see Ren taking care of the child all alone.
But, first sounds more plausible than the rest since it's as you said, who'd benefit this anyway
He could've taken care of them without being a substitute
Forced angst in a sense ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

Asian countries tend to have this belief that a perfect family has both parents. People will see it as weird if the uncle was taking care of the child 50% of the time. People would be talking even more and making rumors, then the child would overhear such things. Bullying can also occur from other kids teasing the child about not having his mother, etc. The kid would also question what happened to his real mom and then know that his real mom abandoned him.
Like the other reader said^ it could also be a mix of secretly wanting to be by the ML’s side as well as helping the ML take care of the child as it’s stressful and tiring. The lie would give an excuse as to why they’re living together and people wouldn’t think it’s weird. And MC could help right away while living with them rather than babysitting and going back and forth visiting.

Yes and he won't be bullied when ppl very soon and easily realize his uncle is pretending to be his dad there's no need to bring Asian countries into this, Asian ppl aren't dumb enough to believe something like that, at the most they simply could've said the dad died or "isn't in the picture" because hi I'm from Asia and literally no one cares dude
Sometimes authors can make convoluted plotlines and there doesn't need to be a deep "realistic" or "cultural" reason behind it, no ppl won't care if the uncle lives with them cuz well in Asia ppl usually live with extended family anyway like the heck

I'm sorry for the second reply but like are you Asian cuz the point about the uncle makes no sense in Asia the concept of family ties is so strong that joint and extended families are very common, the perfect nuclear family you described is literally a western concept like yes ppl would talk if they found out the "mother ran away" but they wouldn't care simply because the uncle is taking care of the kid, again they don't have to disclose to the public the mom actually ran away they can give many valid reasons as to why they aren't in the picture and ppl wouldn't care after that, as for the uncle caretaking they'd just think wow he's such a good guy for helping his family because extended families are like the "full family" here like

I am Asian lmfao. Idk about you but in both fictional stories and irl, I know several Asians (some are often talked about in Korea, Japan, China, Philippines, etc). who are SUPER nosy and love to talk drama. Bullying is a huge thing, and talking about other people’s business is huge as well. My own family talks about others drama within the family as well and speculates a ton lol.
The uncle part meaning that if he introduced himself as the uncle and was also interacting with the ML, people would DEFINITELY speculate something was going on with the uncle and the father of the child, and would likely make stuff up. It isn’t untrue just cause some live with their extended families or don’t care. Just as there’s people who don’t care, there’s many people who do like to make rumors about other families. I mean there’s plenty of irl cases where children unaligned themselves or attempted self harm due to the impact.
Anyways it wasn’t that serious, you asked and I gave an answer. Idk if you’ve read much child care-taking comics, but it’s also has been shown in several other fictional stories of the same exact case where a child doesn’t have both parents, and the general public treats it negatively. It’s a super common theme they use in manhua, manhwa, and manga. The author was 100% thinking of that in mind when writing it lol.

I didn't say ppl don't like to gossip in Asia but like ppl aren't gonna talk about the uncle and the dad cuz the uncle is also an alpha (again it's Asia ppl aren't gonna speculate about two male relatives living together) so it would be very normal for him to step in and help out as a bachelor
And like I said for the bullying part they could just say the dad died and ppl won't care, they would gossip only if they know he ran away, like no one gossips about someone's dead dad. because this would be a million times worse once it eventually comes out the uncle was pretending to be the twin and completely fuck up the kid mentally as well
Regardless my point was just to point out that the entire plotline is just for shock values sake which falls apart when you think about it for even a second longer which is fine like we don't need to find "real reasons" as to why this was the "only way" or "what the character must have thought" and justify things, cuz at the end of the day they aren't real and I guarantee the author just had a thought of wait what if a dude pretended to be his twin that would be wild and then this story was born and its fine for us to acknowledge that and want to see how the author bends over backwards to bring their vision to fruition
Because honestly it's more interesting than whatever this story is gonna be to just think about the logistics of such a convoluted situation lol

Also sorry but like I said thinking about the logistics of this plot is more interesting cuz there's just so many things and possibilities but like
The twin ran away when the kid was like a day old so they could've just pretended it was his own kid the whole time instead of him living two lives like what is this book its not like they're going a good job at hiding it either so

Remember when S1 came out and we were all praising this book for the amazing communication and not doing any clichéd misunderstanding plotline......how did we get here
I'm pretty sure S2 onwards counts as a spin off (that's why it's been marked completed) I wish the author would've just made a new book and not ruin these characters so badly
Its not the house that he doesn't wanna leave bro...