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erwane April 22, 2024 6:53 pm

The shou said that he has a sense of shame. Where did his sense of shame go when he slept with his sister's boyfriend behind her back? Am i the crazy one or are rhe commenters the crazy ones for supporting such a couple?

erwane January 14, 2024 5:15 am

truthfully, despite lyle's background (his a**hole grandfather and lack of support from parents), his inferiority and very very very low self-esteem still feel just weird and... i am not sure how to say but it's kinda not possible.
Come on the guy is a nobility, he doesn't lack money to see a therapist or even ten who will walk him through his feelings and trauma to process it slowly.
Besides, can't you really just speak your mind to your lover and talk about what'a bothering you??
And that ash guy, Gosh, I don't like him. He was definitely leading Lyle on bc that's not how FWB relationships work. You don't get affectionate with your partner after the deed. Boundaries should already have been set before they started fking around.
And, on their first meeting on that café or restau or whatever, I still don't understand that sudden I won't be attracted to s1 like you shit. The whole scene was abrupt.
Then again, if all what happened didn't happen, we wouldn't have this story.
Don't mind i am just overly rationalizing things.

    HungryHippo January 14, 2024 5:47 am

    Hmm, the whole therapy thing is not as simple as it sounds. Some view it as a sign of weakness. 'why can't I just be normal?' until recently, mental health has always been a very taboo subject. Therapy = pussy LOOL. Like you go to therapy? "You NEED to grow up; everyone has problems". Slap in some toxic masculinity from all those older men around him, and slowly, it became internalised. You end up feeling like a little bitch who can't get their shit together...
    Do you see what I am saying?
    The FWB stuff. Personally, I don't think affection after is necessarily problematic if you like the other person as a human being. Being nice doesn't equal leading someone on... however, considering how out of touch Lyle was, I can see how that could've been an issue, but in the same breath, if Ash treated him like a hook-up... I think Lyle would be in the DEPTHS of depression... as in borderline sueeweesighdel fr

    But hey, maybe, I need to re-read some stuff only time I felt like Ash was a cunt was when he was at work and said that stuff that made Lyle cry. Even the sexytime talk when he kept mentioning other alphas wasn't horrible to me. Just wasn't Lyle's idea of hot and steamy loooool
    all in all, we've learnt these motherfuckers need to *say it with me* COMMUNICATE!!!!

    erwane January 14, 2024 6:39 am

    I know the whole therapy thing being perceived as weakness, especially in their social class. But hear me out, Lyle is 30+ year old man, I believe if he had enough guidance, he would and ahiuld have sought it out, especially considering today's technology.
    Many therapists are working remotely now and people can even avoid video calls if they so wished. It might hinder the healing process as the therapist can't read your body language but it will work to some extent in Lyle's case.
    For the FWB thing, it's very easy to catch feelings if the partners spend time together after their hookup. For most people in those relationships, such things are a big no-no but most often, the person who catches feelings doesn't say anything and keep going in a torturous cycle of "is there a possibility the other also has feelings for me?" "today, he invited me to watch a movie. Maybe he has feelings for me after all" and so on and so forth.
    Truthfully, Ash has been crystal clear about him not falling for Lyle and I dare even say showing a bit if dislike at the thought (he was clearly somewhat offended), so suddenly beinf this overly gentle and concerned is a leading imo.
    He might have not done it intentionally but he sure has been quite the as*hole some other times like you mentioned.
    Then again, it's just my preference working here. The character don't really feel human to me very much and i just simply dislike Ash as a character. Not because of Lyle or anything, I just dislike his character.

    IsolemRashlum January 14, 2024 11:20 am

    The reason for Ash saying “i wouldn’t like someone like you” has been cut out in the manhwa. Before meeting Lyle, Ash was hanging out with Nick, he also had a crush Nick too (Nick is Kyle’s husband, Kyle is Lyle’s younger brother). Lyle doesn’t like Nick as he already saw Nick hurt Kyle’s heart multiple times and he believed Nick couldn’t make Kyle happy. While AshNick were “dating” (Nick doesn’t like Ash, from my opinion he kinda used Ash to define his feelings for Kyle) at a restaurant, Lyle saw Nick’s being with Ash and misunderstood that Nick had an affair with Ash behind Kyle’s back so Lyle were offended and said some rude things to Nick. Because of that, Ash didn’t have a good first impression on Lyle as he didn’t want to see his crush getting scolded. That’s why he said he wouldn’t have feelings someone like Karlyle in their meeting at the restaurant. Besides i think he also want to assure Lyle because Lyle said before that he didn’t want to have any unnecessary feelings in their FWB relationship

    erwane January 14, 2024 1:34 pm
    The reason for Ash saying “i wouldn’t like someone like you” has been cut out in the manhwa. Before meeting Lyle, Ash was hanging out with Nick, he also had a crush Nick too (Nick is Kyle’s husband, Kyl... IsolemRashlum

    oooh so that's how it is.
    I never understood that chapter but now i can see why they reacted the way they did there.

    IsolemRashlum January 14, 2024 3:24 pm
    oooh so that's how it is.I never understood that chapter but now i can see why they reacted the way they did there. erwane

    There’re many details that got cut out in S1 so it would be kinda confusing when you only read the manhwa because all of the things that got cut out explaining why Ash is the one chosen to be Karlyle’s sex partner or why he said he wouldn’t like someone like Karlyle

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