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marygold999 February 26, 2020 10:01 pm

Shocking as it is,the uke is right on this one. Guess all of you saints never experience the worries when you feel your partner isn't satisfied...and he is living to you saying he is happy,but you find he is not,and he is pleasing you.....this is a very shitty I would also leave if I were him....and pls remember,there are different people,stop trying to fit the characters into your fairytale world...where pure love is all that exists....reality is far from the characters,All of them

    adawelah February 26, 2020 10:42 pm

    I thought so too, i love the uke because he is so "human"

    Tacobell March 2, 2020 6:28 am

    Yet the uke sleeps around with another man. What the boyfriend is doing is nothing compared to what the uke is doing to him. He has no right to be upset when he’s casually sleeping with another man and lying to his boyfriends face about it.

    Hanayune March 4, 2020 9:48 am

    Yes. I even experienced that. But ! The difference between Shinwoo and me, is that it never happened a lot of times, I'm not into something special (like SM), when you discover that you DISCUSS with your partner, leaving is not a solution, and most of all.... Did you forget how was Shinwoo the firsts chapters when he was having sex with Sebin ?? Insistant, agressive, ect !

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