im starting to feel bad for owen

Nuh-uh. See, this honestly pushes the fact that he's manipulative even harder! I can't, with a good conscience, let you be fooled by his act. Allow me to convince you, friend! You see, he is TAKING ADVANTAGE of his financial situation to make him basically act as his live-in prostitute, is incredibly possessive/manipulates him into never leaving the house, INTENTIONALLY got pregnant so he could baby trap Nux (with all his alien powers and contraceptives an accidental pregnancy is impossible, this was very deliberate), and constantly corners him into sexual situations/intercourse. Nux is rightfully mean to him because he's a CREEP! He's constantly saying really gross stuff to him and trying to grope him, so it's CRAZY that anyone in these comments is acting like he's supposed to just smile and go: "You're so silly Owen!" In conclusion, Owen Asperier is not the victim in ANY SENSE! He is TRYING to make Nux feel bad for him by manipulating his emotions and guilt tripping at every turn, making him come across as pitiful. Every perceived negative thing that he has experienced has been of his own making, or very obvious and fair consequences. He's a rich, powerful alien. He is not the unfortunate one in this power dynamic, and Nux doesn't owe him anything other than what he's being paid for.
se mata q resolve tudo