lmaoooo they got a wall of each other
I support this hahahahah they are literally made for each other
this literally too funny for no reason I'M FUCKING CACKLING HAHAHAHAH
as much I want their relationship to work out...wtf, Ilay he's not your property. Ffs, even if he was, people would treat their property with care. You treat him even less than that
oh no you don't get to act like a victim tak
you don't deserve a pity party when you are the perpetuator of this whole mess
I'm gonna puke, they are so freaking sweet and cute (/TДT)/
'low maintenance'....sir, you're giving me a bad vibe
for some reason I don't really feel happy about this rn
maybe I'm just weak hearted, but I feel fucking sorry for taeui
lmaooo I laughed at the "how to make a gay guy not be at you"
well as the first step how about stop calling him gay and pervy at every chance you get
second maybe a sincere apology would help
third stop trying to stalk him
that's not gonna get garam to like you, because you're in real deep shit
but those things would certainly help to make him not hate you so much
girl I've always wondered why she didn't go to the ml in the first place. How is it that her first thought was to talk with the mother? This outcome was so obvious from the start that even a socially inept person could see it from a mile away. Now that she's regretting her decision I can't say that I can sympathize with her. Honestly it's like you reap what you sow kinda situation
"he probably has feelings for me!"....no shit sherlock