eunseong and yoojun are both equally shitty and jinhyuk has no fucking backbone. I'm not sure which of them I am more mad about.

nah scratch that. I hate yoojun the most. while jinhyuk and eunseong are not fucking angels either, yoojun really takes the cake after all. spewing bullshit about being a 'mere' beta, acting all possessive and even raping jinhyuk, and after all that shit him having the audacity showing up like it's only natural that jinhyuk is gonna forgive him makes me so mad, I feel like pulling my hair out. Wtf. This story is absolutely not good my heart. But here I am, still following this story, because I need to know what happens after all this mess

oh man I get where juheon is coming from, but I'm still mad disappointed tho. He knows that dohu struggles with expressing himself. Instead of asking what dohu really means with his words, he's quick to judge only based on his own emotions. While I'm not saying that it's okay of dohu to deceive juheon, that was foul on his part, but juheon isn't really being true to his words, either. He doesn't clearly express his wants and
on top of that he expects dohu to read his mind, while he's ignoring dohus thoughts himself.
I read the spoiler and man, it really ain't it. Wth.
lmaooo I love the pooch