i just hope sera (blondie girl) will not comeback and hate fl bc that na something ass cannot move on like an adult mature person supposed to do and instead making himself looking like a clownnn smfh.
WHY THE FUCK THEY STOP MAKING GOOD MANGA LIKE THIS NO WHINY FL NO PICK ME "IM SO NONCHALANT WITH XXXX SEXUAL EXPERIENCE HOHOHO" ML no annoying ass side character that makes u wanna burn the shit out of the series actually good frickin plot and end w wedding chemistry 100000000000000000% fluff 10000% makes u giggle 1000000%
lol i pick and drop this one almost 4 times now, still cant bear reading it— early chaps boring as hell ,now i just skimmed chaps and still understand shi lol.
i kinda want fl to end up with willie, i love obs guy so cant be helped fl and ml kind ahave messy sex life aint them, but they havent commit to one and another so dont get mad yall that ml or fl prolly will fuck another person in the future