I am not triying to defend anyone here. What Masato did in the past was definitely not wright. But what Naru did right now is WICKED. I am sooooo mad at him. To say that Naru actually chases good intentions with this, is pointless. If he wanted to help Masato and “open his eyes’’ then what was he doing the last TEN years?!!! THE FUCK. Excuse me mister, but how can such a person even consider himself as a FRIEND. He clearly knew what Masato went through. Like the man Masato truly loved, cheated on him and got MARRIED. This is some true shit and can completely wreck a person and it did. It destroyed Masato. But what was Naru doing all the time? NOTHING. He, as a friend, was watching how Masato completely destroyed himself and the people around him. And this continued for fucking ten years. But nooo. It seems like it didn’t affect Naru. On the contrary, he was bragging about how Masato used to be innocent blablabla and how he teached him the lessons of seduction. Wow great Naru *claps*. You are such a wonderful person. And this wasn’t enough for u? Instead of trying to maturely solve those conflicts, you participated on an extremely cheap plan.
And if someone reads this text: if u have a person in your life who calls himself a FRIEND and acts exactly like Naru, then immediately cut your ties with him/her. This person is NOT caring for you, and it’s definitely not a FRIENDSHIP.
Did seoyon know about their past life and thats why he such a control freak...