I only like 1st and 4th story. 4th story was the cutest and 1st story, well they somewhat a couple with decency. Just not fan with a smut in the rest chapters, it feels forced (especially that boy in last chapter, what a bastard)

Kayono steals and copies the work of others, ruin their Job with the help of her Mangaka mother Ide Chikae!!
She did it more than 1 time!
Don´t support her!!

It's typical shoujo manga, but at least iroha originally really come from noble family too so less drama and cheesiness about how she trying to accustomed herself into shiranui family and such. Retsu character also much better and more level-headed than i expected, i though he would be more mischieveous and annoying lol

Dunno why but i can accept if Tia will still end up with that prince as long he doesn't act shitty like his past self anymore. I mean, that's the point to rewind Tia's time, no? So she doesn't need to experience the same painful life again. And there's quite long time from the current time until Tia reach the same age like her in the past, and we doesn't know what happened at that time span in the past that made the prince become such a bastard creature or what will happen in current timeline with Tia trying to change her fate. So for now, i will treat the past prince and the current prince as different person.
It's korean manhwa but for some reason i somewhat remembered it as chinese manhua eventhough the names was clearly korean names. Not that i have any problem with either korean manhwa or chinese manhua, just feeling like that ( ̄∇ ̄")