wacem May 29, 2019 5:41 am

Why it's happen almost all time in this manga? Out of FOUR couples and we only has ONE couple who did it like seriously?? (╯°Д °)╯╧╧ (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸

Lol but i actually like it because it shown how sensei paying attention to the plot and the couples looked more sincere with their relationship. Of course sex is important but it's not the most important thing in relationship ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

wacem May 14, 2019 12:34 pm

Don't really consumed up by the early chapters. It just the beginning. Tia hasn't shown her awesome moments yet (lmfao) and the first time she will show it is still in the next 19 chapters (a.k.a chapter 72) and the real tea also started along it. Be patie~nt ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

wacem April 21, 2019 4:33 pm

What was i just read?! This is so unexpectedly pretty good! Wow!!

wacem April 13, 2019 4:08 am

They talked? Really?? A proper communication???

    Shyflower143 April 13, 2019 5:41 pm

    I can’t believe it, a proper communication? In a yaoi manga??

    wacem April 13, 2019 5:52 pm
    I can’t believe it, a proper communication? In a yaoi manga?? Shyflower143

    Ikr? I seriously almost dropped this manga if not because the spoiler i saw in instagram

wacem April 12, 2019 8:40 am

They looked younger and cuter in their college days compared to them in 1st chapter. Not that it's bad and i still like it though (≧∀≦)

wacem April 9, 2019 1:12 pm

Kiriya : finally, you have become mine
Zaizen : you're wrong, you have become mine

╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

wacem April 7, 2019 9:52 pm

It's interesting how both im aeju and fargo have a serious and rape-y (but normal human) themed manhwa as their first published work and changed it with more lighthearted and hillarious omegaverse theme as their next work ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

But im aeju works feels more drastically change. Everyone basically insane in hogu hagyeongsu and traumatized us but in love shuttle everyone looks like have a quite normal life with healthy mind. AND THEY'RE DID SILLY JOKES TOO XD. Good, good

Now i wonder what will koogi do for her next project

    mirachaann April 7, 2019 11:54 pm

    ikr i'm really scared when it comes to these two authors.... like what does the future hold TT_TT

    Mardybum April 8, 2019 2:57 am

    LIAI had rape, tho

    Ely April 8, 2019 6:07 am

    Love is an Illusion not only had rape but the MC looks like a 8yo kid which is disgusting (the fact that he didn't look like that at the beginning of her prior work just because he wasn't a bottom makes it even worse). Also, Fargo's first work isn't that serious, she just created some drama by romanticizing rape; it's never discussed how blond dude raped the MC, he just said sorry and he's forgiven because ~they find they were in love with each other and lived happily ever after~.

    What's more, Hogu >>> Love is an Illusion because it is what it is. Aeju wasn't trying make it look as 'lighthearted and hilarious' when there's rape, no matter if it's just one or two scenes. And I hope Love Shuttle's universe keeps being the kind where apparently "not all alphas" lose control and rape. Just like Taehan and their workmates so far. We know Aeju wanted to make of Yule The Worst Dude Ever [tm] like she mentioned in the final notes of either S1 or S2, lol. So luckily this won't become rapey since it's not something she's necessarily that into like Fargo obviously is (in case it does and she takes it lightly like Fargo does in her works... well, there's always other webtoons I guess ).

    Anonymous April 8, 2019 7:13 am
    Love is an Illusion not only had rape but the MC looks like a 8yo kid which is disgusting (the fact that he didn't look like that at the beginning of her prior work just because he wasn't a bottom makes it even... Ely

    You are a beautiful person of sense, I couldn't bring myself to read anymore love is an illusion after 10ish chapters. Everyone I've seen so far has been praising it, it's disgusting and cheap in terms of story. Thank you for being rational and being you.

    wacem April 8, 2019 11:25 am
    Love is an Illusion not only had rape but the MC looks like a 8yo kid which is disgusting (the fact that he didn't look like that at the beginning of her prior work just because he wasn't a bottom makes it even... Ely

    Lol yeah, Fargo's works didn't really change, just have different tone. Though i enjoy Love is an illusion more because it's less confusing and have more comedy aspect . (Don't judge me, but because rape is a common trope in yaoi, it doesn't particularly bothered me anymore except when the storyline totally suck and stupid)

    And yeah, aeju did better job so far with the way she write love shuttle. Like i said, the characters seems normal and sane it almost scared me with how it's so different with hogu hagyeongsu, almost like it wrote by different person if not because both stories have similiar storytelling style

wacem March 10, 2019 11:44 am

After i reread this, i really can't blame the prince if he has some dislike feeling for Tia. He didn't grew up in loving family, people saw him more as crown prince rather than just fellow human, his aunt belittle his efforts, his dad act tough toward him but more nicer to Tia. Not only that, people generally nicer to Tia rather than to him. It's like saying that the prince lacking a lot so he need Tia to support him. It's normal if that's made him feel Tia as a threat.

So when Tia said she didn't want to be the prince's future wife, i bet it must made him feel glad deep down lol. But later Tia express her intention to be her family's heir and that's made the prince wonder, why though? Wasn't being a queen will be easier for her? And why Tia so scared toward him when he didn't feel done something bad? He no longer view Tia as threat or rival so in general he became more nicer toward her, but her actions was too confusing and hard to understand too, and he wanna know why.

he eventually know the reason Tia so scared and avoiding him, but he didn't know the actual situation so it just made him more confused lol

    Minants March 10, 2019 1:32 pm

    More spoiler because why not
    The winter tree or something, in the beginning the story told us that the tree is precious for tia because of her memories with the king but its actually precious for the prince and tia's mother too. That scene makes me thinking that tia forgetting her memories about her mother might be the main reason why the prince hates tia so much

    wacem March 10, 2019 3:50 pm
    More spoiler because why notLOL................The winter tree or something, in the beginning the story told us that the tree is precious for tia because of her memories with the king but its actually precious ... Minants

    It could be one of the factor. But he didn't seem that annoyed with it. When he asked tia if she's remember something (about her mother and something related with that) and tia didn't understand what he said, he just like, oh she still doesn't remember it. He also seem kinda torn about wanting tia remember it but also worried what will happen if tia do.

    I saw he's more likely hated tia's attitude after losing her memories about her mom, because from the prince's memories, little tia was a quite happy and cheerful little girl, even took the first step to reach the prince (with the kid's way, of course). After her mom incident, she got huge shock that most likely changed her personality, and the prince dislike it so much because the cold and indifferent tia was not tia he used to know.

    But the current tia after turning back the time no longer cold and indifferent, but more warm, cheerful, and care. Only still losing her memories. So the prince feels nostalgic about it, thinking she's still similiar with her past self, and he didn't hate it. Just annoyed about why tia keep avoiding him lol

    And about that winter tree, lol. Tia working hard to make the king canceled tia and the prince's engagement. But one incident involved that tree instead make the king more unwilling to let tia go. Good job, tia. Ahahahaha

    Sachiko March 10, 2019 10:27 pm
    Spoiler........................It could be one of the factor. But he didn't seem that annoyed with it. When he asked tia if she's remember something (about her mother and something related with that) and tia di... wacem

    Wow victim blamey much? Just because he was treated poorly by others in the past doesn't mean he can make it someone else' problem. The shock of losing her mother should also lead him to understand how that can change a person, if not when he's young, at least when he's older. So, yup, entirely his fault. No regrets for blaming him for something that's ENTIRELY his fault.

    And his aunt and father are entirely responsible for what happened to his personality. This is one of the reasons why I don't want her with red headed boy, either because of the ****** person her mother in law would be. The other reason would be because his father just sat and watched as she was beheaded in her first life.

    I still ship her with Allendis because he is still a child and finds it hard to believe in things he can't grasp. That's HIS personality and he isn't pushing anything onto her that doesn't have to do with her like blue hair does.


    crimsoncrow March 11, 2019 12:20 am

    ok hold up how do u know what happens nxt?

    crimsoncrow March 11, 2019 12:21 am

    like where did u read the rest?

    wacem March 11, 2019 3:19 am
    Wow victim blamey much? Just because he was treated poorly by others in the past doesn't mean he can make it someone else' problem. The shock of losing her mother should also lead him to understand how that can... Sachiko

    Read again, i didn't said his action was right, i only said i could understand why he hated tia. I didn't even blamed tia. His cruelity toward her still entirely his fault, no matter what reason he has. But it's not illogical one. Even his inability to sympathize with other people was in line with him grew up without much love. No one taught he shouldn't acted hostile toward tia, and no one corrected him too, so he though his action was right. It's unpleasant, but still logical. Me trying to understand every character's situation doesn't mean it became victim blaming, just didn't let emotion reached my head.

    About tia's mother, it mostly just my assumption because everything still unclear except some revealed facts : he used to have good relationship with tia and her mother, but changed after tia's mother death and something happened after it. But it's true he didn't hate tia just because tia lose her memories, there's something else.

    Btw, isn't the emperor already dead in the past? That's why the prince who became emperor can acted as he please included beheaded tia. Man, he seriously total bastard in the past. So i prefer to focused with tia's current situation, included neutralized my prejudice with all character because the situation clearly different than before. Even the prince's didn't hate tia anymore (at least until chapter 75, he didn't shown any hostile feeling, it mostly confused and curiousity toward tia)

    wacem March 11, 2019 3:22 am
    ok hold up how do u know what happens nxt? crimsoncrow

    I read the translation? LOL. It already updated until ch 75 in Indonesian, only 3-4 chapters behind the raw.

    wacem March 11, 2019 3:26 am
    like where did u read the rest? crimsoncrow

    In Indonesian webtoon platform, Webcomics. Only 3-4 chapters behind the raw

    crimsoncrow March 11, 2019 3:40 am
    I read the translation? LOL. It already updated until ch 75 in Indonesian, only 3-4 chapters behind the raw. wacem


    Minants March 11, 2019 11:37 am
    I read the translation? LOL. It already updated until ch 75 in Indonesian, only 3-4 chapters behind the raw. wacem

    Here is more updated oh-my-manhwa.blogspot.com/?m=1

    Minants March 11, 2019 11:44 am
    Wow victim blamey much? Just because he was treated poorly by others in the past doesn't mean he can make it someone else' problem. The shock of losing her mother should also lead him to understand how that can... Sachiko

    Allendis lmao, no. He's not mentally stable. I dont see any action from his father. His mom and brother are scared of him wtf. Karsein's mom is indeed a bitch but his father is truly wise man, i love his character the most compared to other fathers, not even tia's father. Plus his older brother is such a sweetheart too. The mom is like the only bad apple in the family but its obvious that tia only thinks of him as friend and will only be friend

    Sachiko March 11, 2019 2:40 pm
    Read again, i didn't said his action was right, i only said i could understand why he hated tia. I didn't even blamed tia. His cruelity toward her still entirely his fault, no matter what reason he has. But it'... wacem

    No. You need to re-read what I said. I never said you blamed Tia, now, did I? And the fact that you mentioned it means you think it carries some weight. However, that has nothing to do with why I called your comment victim blamey.

    And you just doubled down on the reason why I DID call it victim blamey. After all, every one in reality always focuses on the tragedy of the real life abuser, never anyone else, victim or not, so I would also suggest you're sharing a POPULAR, not unpopular, opinion.

    And, yes, blue hair was already acting like an ass in the present life. He intentionally interprets her fear as impertinence. If it's not intentional then why is he calling it fear NOW when earlier, like I said, he implied it was impertinence?

    Sachiko March 11, 2019 2:51 pm
    Allendis lmao, no. He's not mentally stable. I dont see any action from his father. His mom and brother are scared of him wtf. Karsein's mom is indeed a bitch but his father is truly wise man, i love his charac... Minants

    Yes, he is mentally stable. His older brother and father treat him like shit. The fact that you think they're scared of him is you thinking up is down. Mentally unstable people are those who treat others like shit for no reason whatsoever, after all. (Exactly like his father and brother did to him.) If Allendis didn't change the way he treated them because of that, that is when I would consider HIM mentally unstable.

    So a man who watches someone else' child get beheaded without being concerned about it in any way is much better than the person who tries to stop it, in your opinion? Yup, confirmed. Up is down in your world. Ktbn.

    LADYRITA March 11, 2019 3:08 pm
    Read again, i didn't said his action was right, i only said i could understand why he hated tia. I didn't even blamed tia. His cruelity toward her still entirely his fault, no matter what reason he has. But it'... wacem

    "So i prefer to focused with tia's current situation, included neutralized my prejudice with all character because the situation clearly different than before."
    THAAAANK YOUUU SOMEONE WHO I AGRED WITH!!! Im not a fan of the prince ( im in team red hear), but im really really sick of hearing people telling shit of prince and forget it that the version of the prince did do nothing bad and until now is personality seems differents... everything iiiis diiiffeeerents and everything will be diiiffeeerents. and for some reason there's still people shiping tia with the green hair yandere (While you are at it, yuno X yuki was the "greatest couples), seurieusly that seems really unstable.

    wacem March 11, 2019 5:46 pm
    No. You need to re-read what I said. I never said you blamed Tia, now, did I? And the fact that you mentioned it means you think it carries some weight. However, that has nothing to do with why I called your co... Sachiko

    Still unpopular opinion because most people still have same opinion like you about this webtoon. And how it's became victim blamey just because i understand the bad guy's life tragedy? Really, all i trying to convey is, everything's happened because it has reasons to be, and circumstances to tied all the things together. I gave my opinion as something like observer who didn't take any side. But I only explained from the bad guy's side because we are all already know Tia's situation.

    About why the prince changed his opinion about Tia, it could be just first impressions? She didn't do what people usually do when meet him, so he though she's being impertinent. But after a while he realized it's more likely fear rather than impertinence. Yeah, the prince is an arrogant kid, even the emperor said it himself. And still, it could be rooted to his not-so-nice grown up environment.

    IMO, most people just shocked with the prince's character because he's totally not your stereotypical male lead character you want to be paired up with our main girl. It's hard to point out his good trait but we as readers must endure his presence because the author decided up like that

    wacem March 11, 2019 6:03 pm
    Here is more updated oh-my-manhwa.blogspot.com/?m=1 Minants

    Ahh thanks, i really wanna know what happened after ch 75. Will still read from webcomics though because it's ... legal and i can afford it to support the authors lol

    wacem March 11, 2019 7:42 pm
    "So i prefer to focused with tia's current situation, included neutralized my prejudice with all character because the situation clearly different than before."THAAAANK YOUUU SOMEONE WHO I AGRED WITH!!! Im no... LADYRITA

    Right? The people maybe still same but the situation already different. Take a note about how allendis and karsein who was total strangers before but now they became tia's closest allies. If both of them could change, why the prince can't change too? Because he was such an evil before so there's no guarantee he wouldn't become like that in present timeline? Ok, but it's same with allendis and karsein too, they also could be still strangers now, but they are not because tia. Everything starts from her, in the moment tia decided to change herself for her own sake and really did it, her relationship with another people also changed. Included with the prince.

    Take another note in ... ugh it's spoiler for next chapters but whatever lol. In the past when tia danced with the prince, she fell and embarassed herself and the prince didn't do anything to help her. But now when that incident repeated, the prince hold her so she didn't fall and they ended their dance with applause. See? It's so simple but he changed, no? And don't make me start about what he said about tia in ch 77 lol.

    Yeah, it would be good if tia ended up with karsein. He's the most normal one between the three, not creepy yandere like allendis or cold and arrogant like the prince. Him and tia's interactions also really cute too :3

    midnightflight19 March 11, 2019 8:31 pm
    Right? The people maybe still same but the situation already different. Take a note about how allendis and karsein who was total strangers before but now they became tia's closest allies. If both of them could ... wacem

    yeahhh karsein my baby! i i wish they would end up together...

    major spoiler, i think? since tia ended up with the prince in the present (i dont bother to remember his name lol), i heard that karsein /maybe/ ended up with jieun.

wacem March 3, 2019 6:12 am

I love the band members reaction, so funny yet so relatable. And the dad's reaction also priceless, so extra and drama lol. Glad hyesung did a right step here, and i also glad because dojin's family basically just too surprised with hyesung and byul's presence, not hating them. They just can't take dojin's side because dad. And now dad already accepted hyesung and byul, well, good for you, hyesung ヾ(☆▽☆)

wacem February 15, 2019 9:03 am

Shouldn't be laugh but all the misunderstanding was really hillarious especially because it worked in the end

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