I think this shit will be resolved if jinjoo found a job and gained independence. She can't depend on either of them anymore (her husband and Doyeon)

yeah thats so sad. Thats why irl I don't think women should ever be housewives, atleast they have to work a little before getting married and stop working. So many women get trapped in abusive marriages because they don't have the financial support to leave.
Back to Jinjoo, I feel like she could work at a cafe or any job thats doesn't require a degree but honestly I don't think she even has the communication skills for it She was groomed and trapped in that marriage with no job, friends or family to back her up or offer support (mentally, too).
Isolating the victim is one of the many tactics that abusive men use.

I don’t remember which ones, I think it was the earlier chapters? But the vibe was weird, she looked really tired and he was like pls, you don’t have to work, I’m sorry I didn’t do enough so you could stay home and not work or some shit like that, he seemed like he wanted to isolate her more but she was working out of necessity, of course she didn’t seem to make any connections or friends or anything
im curious what went down between mc and his wife also I think I saw someone said they have a child together can somebody confirm that ?