Ok so did miss the part where mc developed feelings or......?

Flitzereth created a topic of Secretary to Stage

Idk why but although they were appropriately sweet in normal scenes but all the smut scenes are so emotionless?? Like there's no emotions in their sex just two guys getting it on

Flitzereth created a topic of Sweet Not Sugar

Is it just me or was the art particularly ugly this chapter

Flitzereth created a topic of Debut or Die

Not Sejin looking horrified at Moondae smiling

Flitzereth created a topic of Monochrome Rumor

These two can have my heart and soul but please let them be happyybfvfdguugreefghhhyyy

Flitzereth created a topic of Don't Be Soft Rice Man

Ahhhhhhhhhhhh thank you for the update!! I couldn't for the life of me read the novel past this arc

Lolol that was such an abrupt ending, but I guess it's always a struggle to end things on a happy note without making it cringe.. either that or the author was fed up with this lololol. Not gonna lie tho this was great, and minjun looked so pretty in that last chapter

The way I seriously can't distinguish between these characters anymore like they all have the same face and build

Flitzereth created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon
Flitzereth created a topic of Gig of the Day

Omg the dread I felt the moment I started reading the last chapter.. I really hope yeomin makes him regret everything

Flitzereth created a topic of To deny the route

That was too fast I hate when authors rush an ending like this could have literally spanned for another 10 or 20 chapters

There is no drama in this if you see the drama then you are the drama

Flitzereth created a topic of Waterside Night

Author is cutting things short in every chapter, it's so frustrating

I love how she's just digging her own grave due to her own entitlement

If they don't give me a sappy brother moment in the next few chapter I'm going to riot

Flitzereth created a topic of Safe Partner

Wtf is that start? I would feel so uncomfortable if my boss did that even if I liked said boss? Like who the hell does he think he is interfering in MC's personal life?

Flitzereth add manga to list Absolute favs

It's been a year since Toki lost his twin sister in an accident. Toki is still dealing with the...

  • Author: nishi noeko
  • Genres: Drama / Romance / Yaoi

I hate when one of them is being frustrating like

"oH I LoVe yOu But I CaN't bE wItH yoU~"
"nO GoOd ReAsOn TeEhee"