When I started reading this, and saw the antagonist (I forgot his name already, damn memory) I jokingly said 'Oooh I sense something fishy, maybe they are long lost brothers since they look alike' or something. Never in my wildest dream that it was true. I was just kidding myself at the time since I read quite a lot of novels and manhwas, and saw some similar cases.
I don't know about you, but I can't stop reading this even though this is so toxic, like, this is just a story anyways, i don't care if its toxic, it's entertaining enough for me to not stop reading. Something like that.
Like frrrr every time i say to myself I’ll just drop it cuz the story’s going nowhere, I end up reading if
Lol, so us.
I tell myself everytime I read toxic stories 'just don't take it too personally and seriously'. Because I still read it despite all that anyways.