Okay first of all why are y'all fighting in the comments and complaining about this yaoi if you dont like dont READ it, but I didn't comment to just say that I wanted to comment because of y'all must of speed read through this story and aren't actually understanding the characters for example, yahwi ALOT of people hate him for treating jooin how he did and y'all don't see that jooin is kinda the problem here because in one of the chapters jooin got mad at yahwi because yahwi didn't know what jooin wanted from him but heres the thing jooin thinks to himself that HE doesn't even know what he wants from yahwi so how jooin going to get mad at him when you don't even know yourself what you want from that other person. Yes, yahwi personality isn't the best it could be better but he lost his parents at a young age he was taught but more like forced on how he should live by his grandpa and I would say he never really had a true friend before I feel like people just hang around him for his money and looks and doesn't care about who he actually is as a person he would just throw his money around without a care since he saw how people reacted to it. I feel like some people could agree to this but everything was somewhat decent but not perfect before cain showed up if cain didn't show up yahwi wouldn't be acting this way and I don't blame yahwi for getting upset with cain because cain is butting his way into jooin and yahwi business when he shouldn't have and jooin knew that his "relationship" with yahwi is a little rough but he still choose to do things with cain knowing it wasn't the right time for it, and when jooin went to yahwi house in one of the chapters and told yahwi that he slept with cain and after that jooin kept saying things to yahwi that made him upset than he slapped jooin I don't care what anyone says but if I was yahwi shoes and if the person I like came up to me like that and told me they slept with someone else and then started spouting these non true things I would be pissed off too especially when were trying to patch up our relationship your over here sleeping with someone else? alright cause why the hell would jooin do something like that and he know how yahwi is. Honestly I don't like jooin he gets on my nervous I feel like he doesn't actually wanna take time and understand yahwi but then again yahwi doesn't really know how to express his feelings. Yahwi character is honestly misunderstood I feel like he's trying but jooin isn't for it and he just keeps pushing him away I honestly don't care who jooin ends up with all I want is for yahwi to be truly happy I have much more to say but i'm going to end it here.
I've been holding this is for awhile I need to say this