WHO DOES HE THINK HE IS TALKING TO HER LIKE THAT “stop nagging me” SHE ONLY SAID 4 WORDS TO YOU ASKING HOW YOUR DAY WAS AND YOU GET UPSET???? SHES PAYING OF YOUR DEBT THAT YO BUM ASS DONT SEEM TO REALLY CARE ABOUT ALL YOU SEEM TO CARE ABOUT IS THAT ARI WHORE AND BUYING EXPENSIVE SHIT BUT YOU HAVE THE AUDACITY TO GET MAD AND WONDER WHY YALL DONT HAVE MONEY FOR SUCH THINGS CAUSE YOUR STANK ASS SPENDS IT ALL ON DAM USELESS SHIT HE DIDNT EVEN BUY THE COLOGNE THAT SHE GAVE HIM MONEY FOR. At this point he should just leave cause they are apparently divorced and it’s obvious he doesn’t seem to like her presence by the horrible stuff he says about her and doesn’t seem to care about his debt just leave instead of making her feel bad about herself just an awful awful man.

I actually thought Jiheon wouldn’t do anything like this….but he did and I hate it. This feels like every other omegaverse story now. I feel so bad for wooju he really needs to just take a break from all of this but I already know they are going to end up together no matter what terrible things Jiheon does to him.

I actually wanna drop this story but I dont know yet cause I wanna see what will happen but I feel like its just going to be the same thing the brother will just say "lets play" when things aren't going his way or he just feels like it and for me its getting boring I wanna see if something will change but I just don't know if I can read anymore of this also I don't really see the plot but that's for me maybe not for others.

That white cat is so weird he seems really obsessed over yiho even when yiho was just a kid I just don't understand why he can't just leave him alone? Yiho doesn't owe you anything he doesn't want anything to do with anymore so just leave him alone he left for a reason, and yet you still seem to want him to come back why? to just do more testing? like cmon there has to be another reason why that white cat wants yiho to come back if they have been trying to catch him.

“HOW ARE YOU COME BACK HERE” I KNOW HE CANT BE SAYING THAT WHEN YOU DIDNT EVEN VISIT YOUR OWN SON AT THE HOSPITAL NEVER CHECKED IN ON HIM NOTHING. That’s the time he was struggling the most, the people who should love you when you come into this world should be there for you in your hardest time but the parents were nowhere to be seen!!! I hope siyoon doesn’t do anything reckless while he’s trying to get better….

For the people who read this should I continue reading it? I remember trying to read it like 2-3 times but I always get bored after a couple of chapters and stop reading it but it seems really popular I wanna try to read it but I can't seem too. Is the story really that good that I should continue trying reading it again? i'm trying to get the motivation too.

I've been here for awhile and I like the story and all but I want the author to just stop and take an actual break because it can and probably will affect how this story will turn out I would rather the author take a break for a year than them working in pain and the plot starts to get all over the place your health always comes first no matter what don't worry about how people will get mad at you if you stop posting for a little while focus on yourself please take your time I don't know about some people but I can wait for as long as it takes for the author to get better I wish them good health in the future.
I WANNA SEE HIM BURN. WHY WOULD YOU SAY SUCH A THING TO YOUR NOW EX WIFE “you can’t get pregnant anyway” I WOULD OF TAKEN THAT CUP THE FLOWER WAS IN KNOCKED IT UPSIDE HIS HEAD WHO DOES HE THINK HE IS. HE GOT ME OVER HERE TWEAKING ILL BE DAMNED IF A MAN EVER TALKED TO ME LIKE THAT. Anyway….she deserved the flower and many more flowers she deserves everything in the world she works so hard for that BUM of a husband I hope things get better for her.
i’m not patient enough for these types of stories genuinely need the revenge immediately i’m going 2 be so sad when she finds out