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higurashi February 21, 2025 2:54 am

I found this on a forum:

So llic and Sayan been together for 20yrs (10yrs then timeskip to another 10yrs)
Ilic doesn't seem to see it as a full romance, he never said I love you to sayan but he knows after so many years that Sayan is his partner.
Now llic has a dream and in the end of the dream Sayan dies, he wakes up.

So at the end of the story he's with Sayan (alive) beside him but he's thinking that all the things in the dream are happening in reality. So to put it this way, its foreshadowing that Sayan is to die sometimes shortly after the ending of the novel. It's also bittersweet because Sayan loves IIic but llic never really seem to be in love but the same he was (its kinda hard put, you would need read the novel to understand). [EDIT: oh I found the perfect phrase for this, it's that llic will never love Sayan the way Sayan wants him to love him despite them being together for so long]
Some say he did die at the end but either way Sayan does dies despite him being alive at the end. It's also mention how he's sick but do keep in mind, at this time they are old

    maven !! February 21, 2025 3:13 am


    princessshithead February 21, 2025 3:57 am

    Wait what novel I'm confused

    higurashi February 21, 2025 4:08 am
    Wait what novel I'm confused princessshithead

    This webtoon is from a Korean novel

    princessshithead February 21, 2025 4:18 am
    This webtoon is from a Korean novel higurashi

    This information has sent me down a rabbit hole!! Is it under the same name and is there anyway I can read it? If anyone knows pls lmk!

    higurashi February 21, 2025 4:41 am
    This information has sent me down a rabbit hole!! Is it under the same name and is there anyway I can read it? If anyone knows pls lmk! princessshithead

    It's on Bomtoon, but in Korean. There's no English translation

higurashi February 20, 2025 7:35 pm

I just read some spoilers from the novel, believe me, this is the best ending they could have given to the webtoon.

Here’s the link, and I’m copying and pasting a comment: https://www.novelupdatesforum.com/threads/plaything-the-toy-of-a-grand-duke.117318/page-2

So llic and Sayan been together for 20yrs (10yrs then timeskip to another 10yrs)
Ilic doesn't seem to see it as a full romance, he never said I love you to sayan but he knows after so many years that Sayan is his partner.
Now llic has a dream and in the end of the dream Sayan dies, he wakes up.

So at the end of the story he's with Sayan (alive) beside him but he's thinking that all the things in the dream are happening in reality. So to put it this way, its foreshadowing that Sayan is to die sometimes shortly after the ending of the novel. It's also bittersweet because Sayan loves IIic but llic never really seem to be in love but the same he was (its kinda hard put, you would need read the novel to understand). [EDIT: oh I found the perfect phrase for this, it's that llic with never love Sayan the way Sayan wants him to love him despite them being together for so long]
Some say he did die at the end but either way Sayan does dies despite him being alive at the end. It's also mention how he's sick but do keep in mind, at this time they are old

higurashi's questions ( All 3 )

higurashi February 3, 2025 12:41 am

Recommendations for novels similar to Sweet (Daldal)?

higurashi May 25, 2024 9:07 pm

I recently finished reading "Paper Flower" and absolutely loved it. I'm now looking for similar stories, especially those with king/slave themes. Do you have any recommendations for stories that capture a similar vibe or storyline? It can be hetero or bl

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