Yonghee is so cute! I know this might be unlikely, but I wish he could get a boy/girlfriend too! I bet he'd be a good bf(๑•ㅂ•)و✧

sorry to bother you but please read the chapters here https://senn-sin-scan.tumblr.com/cbaw2
the translator may get in trouble if its uploaded on mangago (she's super sweet and adorable so please consider reading it on her Tumblr)

Stay happy while you can.
The omega is going to get SUPER annoying from here on out. Of course the alpha is going to get nicer and sweeter, but JESUS did the omega start to get on my nerves.

I’ve kinda disliked the omega from the get go, never his fault, always someone to blame for his situation. Makes me hope he really hits rock bottom and have no one to offer assistance. If it weren’t for the alpha, his ass would’ve been sold to a whorehouse and raped by his room mate’s friend. But of course, it’s not his fault that he’s dumb, always someone else’s fault.

Are you even reading the manga properly???
Or ae you only skipping to the sex parts???
Didn't you read the part where it showed how hyesung's father messed up his self esteem?
So much that it affected his grades and he had to drop from high school.
Hyesung is poor.
He is at rock bottom.
He works minimum wage. You saw him being a waiter on the first chapter.
Do you always expect characters to be cheery and bubbly disney princess types.
Hyesungs character is designed by the author to be childish and opportunistic w/ trust issues.
Learn to appreciate conflicts in a story.
Learn to accept characters that are problematic.

No, having to grow up under that environment should be a reason to be wary of every aspect of your life. Which part of my comment suggests I’m expecting a bubbly character, I’m expecting a grown up, with a sense of responsibility to himself, someone that knows his limits and won’t blame others for his shortcomings. He belongs to the type that expects easy way out, hence he’s always looking for some fast get rich scheme.
Yalls how do I transport myself into the manhwa world?? I just want to pet the kitten once