star created a topic of Debut or Die

leave my goat sejin a ALONE

star created a topic of Lookism

james evil as hell no one is on his side by their own will bro

star created a topic of The Man At Night
star created a topic of Nerd Project

i jist screamed i love luke sm hes so sweet and andrew looks so cute when he smiles

star created a topic of Killer Peter

im clutching my pearls reading this i did NOT sign up for my heart to be broken

star created a topic of Sakamoto Days

what the hell is going on

star created a topic of My Guildmate Next Door

hes such a delusional loser bro omg

star created a topic of Seven-sex eight-sex

did he ever get to go to that baseball game

star created a topic of The Man At Night

ts ts ts pmo tss ts icl ts ts pmo GAHHH u stupid hos bro fuck the brother fuck the ml fuck all yall mc deserves better whys he with literal dumbasses none of them think before they act

star created a topic of Nerd Project

the art is so gorgina i love luke sm the sex is not like other stories where its highkey like a porn video but instead its intimate and sweet oh nerd project u will always be peak (not when the drunk thing happened but

star created a topic of Seven-sex eight-sex

and if i called him a whore…

star created a topic of Seven-sex eight-sex

is he getting fired everyday or smth how he find a new job every single day

star created a topic of Seven-sex eight-sex

whys his dick bedazzled like ok diva

star created a topic of Quest Supremacy

“heh… this truly was my questism” ass ending but this was peakness i jumped in joys when allied appeared

star created a topic of Killer Peter

current thaddeus looks js like og thaddeus my god those genes r strong and the babys so cutesies and the squad is so silly and whimsicals

star created a topic of Monochrome Rumor

actual consenual kiss this time im so excited for next season

star created a topic of Shutline

u were js at grens grave can we pick another date and time to fuck damn

star created a topic of Seven-sex eight-sex

he has a different job everyday like ok barbie

star created a topic of Killer Peter

wdym witness that baby cant even speak and i dont even think it can remember what happened acting crazy for no reason smh

star created a topic of Nerd Project

the dick up close actually looks so freakish i cant why is it humongous