ml was honestly an asshole and sucked and the fact that so many of the shit the fucking rapist blondie did was fucking pushed aside like hello?? he planned and was apart of fucking gang rape and recorded all of it snd sent jt to everyone and they couldve easily exposed him but they didnt like hello there was barely any justice for the original body and that fucking pisses me off also the fact the couple is like a twinky sassy dude x dominant alpha toxic dude fucking pisses me off if the mc was in his og body he would’ve definitely been stronger than the ml but no they made him fcuking weaker due to the body change and the couple had absolutely no chemistry except for when they were younger and they had only met for like 5 days at most amd then disappeared for like 10 years but all of a sudden they start dating after the body swap?? like lets be so fr rn also the og bodys parents were probably the most useless they did jaxk shit but acted all worried for their son

I never finished it this story and the long time when I dropped it I remember really hating ml like not as much as other mls but I really didn't like how he treated mc even if the excuse of how mc was in that body that ml couldn't care less about and only had eyes for mcs og body like ik that but It just felt so unresolved ml didn't do anything to compensate it for me anyways

im so fucking pissed oml imo the ml is lwk in the wrong here like i get that he told him he didnt plan to quit his job before and while they were dating but doing the 2nd part of the show and having sex with them is completely optional and realistically speaking if your partner were to have that typa job and the sex is optional but they still choose to do it and get mad at you when u tell them it makes u uncomfortable you would break up with them wouldnt you like hello?? like mc is clearly insecure here but in a relationship its both partners jobs to reassure one another and make each other feel secure, you dont js snap at them and tell them its not of their business when it clearly is their business since being a relationship means opening up and trusting one another especially if its a big deal like oml but mc is also in the wrong here but i js think the ml is somewhat more in the wrong imo but they need to fucking talk it out i swear

PREACH. Yes they agreed beforehand but minds can change later on, it’s not a crime to change mind. Sometimes things happen unexpectedly and MC can’t control how he feels, he needs reassurance, not violence and aggression from his “partner”. Also ML said “it’s not business business” to MC, I’m baffled, it is because they’re fucking partners. I feel like MC loves ML more tbh, maybe I’m reaching but that’s how I see it.
Sex is definitely optional. And ML lives in a nice ass apartment and buys bunch of stuff as if he doesn’t have debts to pay. He admit it himself. Unless he reveals he has more debts or open up to MC, we won’t know.
Right now he’s just shutting off the MC and saying it’s not his business, that’s not being a partner. MC finally expressed how he felt and ML acts like that, MC needs to also get a grip and reflect on their relationship.

Strong disagree because this is the exact issue his ex had! Yoo-gon (ML) already opened up! He already went through this. If someone has a clear, hard boundary— It is NOT up to them to change It for you. You have to date someone who is compatible with you on what you want. That is notttt yoo-gons fault that MC thought he could deal with It. But he can’t. Whilst accusing him of sleeping with the enemy! That is crazy. A double insight. Not only are you ignoring my past and something I’ve shared with you. I’ve decided to be with you, despite that. You THEN insult me and my character? On two levels? Nah. Lol

the ending felt so rushed and felt so uncompleted and i watched the thai drama of this and there was a lot more tension and development of the problems in the drama than this bl and the rest of this is js gonna be the side couples but there was also a lot more to the main couple honestly idk js gonna see how it goes
please dont do that