bruh people still talk about the age gap? i mean this manga already so old and that always the topic, if you dont like the setting just drop it lol, why r u guys keep coming back on every update just to hate the same thing. i need people to talk about the manga not about how gross it from their perspective, its been yearss u know
i actually lost when the third timeline happened in the novel, i mean what's actually happen, do they died or smth?, cz i thought that they already happy, end up with kids, but then kloff lost his memories and they haven't had their kids, what's going on guys, when did the timeline change
tbh its so confusing. they didn't even bother to put remarks which timeline and how can we differentiate which timeline. im not novel reader so im completely clueless about the timeline. even reading spoiler im still confuse
3TL is basically OG kloff from 1TL he remembered and want to change the future and spend life with Aeroc (who don't have memories)
Those are in the extras