Like seriously... I read other BL spy related stories and they rarely get the job done as a spy. But in here Peter took his spy job very serious, he get the job done, and use common sense to not get distracted.
How he draw line between job and personal affair is good too, he not waver and suddenly go to Linus side.
Is so rare to find a story where the ML is the one who have to endure all the suffering and painfull experience (Seriously it's always the MC who suffering). Now i want to know what will happend next!
Like seriously... I read other BL spy related stories and they rarely get the job done as a spy. But in here Peter took his spy job very serious, he get the job done, and use common sense to not get distracted.
How he draw line between job and personal affair is good too, he not waver and suddenly go to Linus side.