oh wow now sucking your dick is crossing the line now smh.
wtfff what the fuck he do with those nippleeeee
i'm not even going to question what's those dots are but yeah...
he got cute dimple and nice hair...that's all. Stay away from him too....
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh wtffffffffff 0o0 in jaill!??
oh helll nahhhhhh sent that guy into isolation. the fucking guard suck!
collar? r they are mixing up subverse with omegaverse
15 hours...
he is such a loser
and he is a freak lol
wtf...the nurse fuck the omega. don't they need the omega test first for any std
what i say. he drugged him, he doesn't deserve him smh
i knew i didn't like him from the start this manipulating bitch, he probably drugged him too.
damn. I've been tricked, it's this damn hotel that has the freakiest shit.
man i rather off myself
tbh idk why he still like this trash of player...he deserves someone better.
police...and it is one person riding a bike loll
i fucking can't with her buckteeth
who tf did his bandage poorly