Basically, Taesung heads of Snakes gang, their partner gang is head by that short haired woman.
Their rival gang is Dragon - Zu Long (?). Minhuyk is their mole and the crazy ex of Sooyoung - Ji sung joins them to revenge Taesung and take back Sooyoung.
Mayor of the city - Kim and another dude Chae (?) are backing Snakes and doing business with the gang. But Sooyoung found the body of a guy Chae killed during sex. Chae's men catched and beat Sooyoung. Minhuyk saves him and threaten Chae with their sex clip. Taesung beat Chae to force him talk about Sooyoung. Allience with Mayor Kim is broken.
Dragon gang came back to Korea, Taesung asked Minhuyk take Sooyoung with amnesia, away from there and keep him safe. Then Taesung and the woman took down Dragon's leader, Mayor Kim and Chae.
Sooyoung still has amnesia, lives a normal life, then he meets Taesung again. Crazy ex Ji sung now is creating havoc, using remnant and drugs of Dragon gang. Minhuyk is scheming something too.