Crow October 15, 2023 8:00 pm

I’m too scared to commit to reading the words so someone please tell me, is he dead?

    Crow October 15, 2023 8:01 pm

    Oh no I committed a bit :( oh I@‘ already crying

Crow October 14, 2023 11:04 pm

There’s a lot to unpack here like Mi-eum’s scar on his neck, his limp, the debt and how Baek Jitae‘a afraid of running water. Also how they know each other but only Baek Jitae remembers Mi-eum. Plus the relationship between the brothers ooooooooo so much I’m actually excited

Crow October 11, 2023 7:55 pm

The cum bleached his hair?

Crow October 8, 2023 7:44 pm

Isn’t that the Japanese Imperial flag in the cover? Could someone please spoil me and tell me if there’s any relations to it with the manga’s content?

Actually I’m feeling really gross about that yuck. Japanese manga and they put that flag there? erm maybe I was being too lenient

    Bibi_ October 8, 2023 8:07 pm

    there is no relation, and is most likely a design choice for the cover

    Crow October 8, 2023 9:17 pm
    there is no relation, and is most likely a design choice for the cover Bibi_

    Oh gross okay thank you what a fucked up design choice

    Crow October 8, 2023 9:21 pm

    Why are people disliking my comment The Japanese Imperial flag is the equivalent of the Nazi flag - please stop being horny, take a history class and grow some morals

    Like imagine if a German artist put the Nazi flag on their cover or a Russian artist put the Z symbol on their cover like cmon guys let’s get our thinking caps on

    Hiroshi October 8, 2023 11:20 pm
    Why are people disliking my comment The Japanese Imperial flag is the equivalent of the Nazi flag - please stop being horny, take a history class and grow some moralsLike imagine if a German artist put the Naz... Crow

    (disclaimer, I don't really like this comic, the characters are fking annoying, I'm just giving some opinion)

    Most likely because it just isn't the representation of the rising sun. Rising Sun is with 16 rays, that is the widely known design. Now could they have used a different color? yes, but the cover's colors are very clearly related to symbols of oni in Japan. All in all, while in poor taste, it isn't really true in design to Imperial Japans rising sun. It could also be correlation to the fact they're 100s of years old and would've been alive during the times of imperial Japan, but thats kind of reaching. It's hard to say though and it probably wasnt meant in poor taste

    Tsk October 8, 2023 11:52 pm

    OH it does ressemble it lmaoo. (Dont know why ur getting so many dislikes tho)

    Vidabels October 9, 2023 4:25 am

    It may be similar but I kinda dont think it is? Anyway I dont get why people dislike your comment. I also assume bec you said gross towards the Jap Imperial flag. Dont mind them they are ignorant

    NotGuilty October 9, 2023 5:02 am
    Why are people disliking my comment The Japanese Imperial flag is the equivalent of the Nazi flag - please stop being horny, take a history class and grow some moralsLike imagine if a German artist put the Naz... Crow

    It’s still used by the Japanese navy :) unlike the Nazi flag, it has existed for long before WWII. If you wanna compare it to something, it’d probably be closer to the Confederate flag.

    NotGuilty October 9, 2023 5:08 am
    It’s still used by the Japanese navy :) unlike the Nazi flag, it has existed for long before WWII. If you wanna compare it to something, it’d probably be closer to the Confederate flag. NotGuilty

    All that to say, it’s a debated topic. If you wanna reduce its meaning down to how it was used for a few years out of its lifespan of hundreds of years, then sure, it’s bad. Also means that most other symbols and flags in the world are bad too because they also were used in that time period. Many Japanese people don’t even realize the associations it has overseas. Their education on WWII is… often lacking.
    I highly recommend using google and learning more about it! I would start with Wikipedia to get a broad understanding of it

    Crow October 9, 2023 10:35 am
    All that to say, it’s a debated topic. If you wanna reduce its meaning down to how it was used for a few years out of its lifespan of hundreds of years, then sure, it’s bad. Also means that most other symbo... NotGuilty

    I can appreciate the comment but do NOT use Wikipedia as a source! Use actual reputable and reliable resources, especially for historical subjects, please. I’m well aware about Japan’s history and also that the flag was made during the Edo Period - but that original meaning and representation of the flag changed the day the government changed it to represent imperialism and ultranationalism and that meaning won’t change to the navy no matter how much Japan wants to erase their past and normalise their current actions in doing so. When the blood of 10s of million of people is on that flag the meaning never changes from the evil it represents out of respect for the people that were killed, raped, enslaved, eaten alive, dissected alive, used as test subjects for chemicals. I suggest you study Units 100, 516, 543, 1644, 1855, 8604, 9420 and definitely Unit 731. The confederate flag is bad no doubt but the Japanese Imperial flag is at the level(?) of the Nazi flag as they were both part of the Axis powers. A large difference in the monstrosity of Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan is that Nazi Germany targeted selected groups of people - however Imperial Japan killed everyone. They didn’t give a flying fuck if you were Korean, Chinese, Thai, White - if you were anything but Japanese you would be killed. The killings were much more cruel and “creative”. The Nazis were more affective in achieving their main goal - the genocide of Jewish and disabled people - but Imperial Japan were much more …affective?… in the brutality. A large reason people reduce the crimes of Japan during the Second World War is because the USA assisted in propaganda for Japan after the war ended as Japan had data from their human tests that the US can’t do themselves. Data from Japan was much more useful than Germany.

    I’ve seen photos of decapitated bodies lining a beach in piles, people being executed, girls bodies mutilated after being raped and so much more - all in my research as I’m a history student. Are you aware of the rape of Nanking, Burma railway, comfort women, 을미사변? Are you aware they attacked hospital ships, destroyed heritage, their perfidy, enforced labour and enforced prostitution, avoidable hunger, rape, way too much decapitation, and the cannibalism and beastiality for fucks sake? Don’t be coming in here with “it’s still used by the Japanese navy :)” as an excuse when you’re well aware how Japan is with addressing their war crimes and educating their citizens. Racism against Korean and Chinese people is still a problem, you can find Japanese people who don’t even know what the Nazi flag means, and Japan is still very nationalistic. Bringing yourself in here saying “If you wanna reduce its meaning down to how it was used for a few years out of its lifespan of hundreds of years, then sure, it’s bad. Also means that most other symbols and flags in the world are bad too” like you clearly don’t know how bad Imperial Japan was. Women and girls were kidnapped and experimented on (even pregnant ones - who were impregnated from being raped by Japanese soldiers and their babies would also be experimented on). People are way too nonchalant, like you, when talking about this side of history. I’ve grown up being surrounded by Japanese culture and pop culture, I even do Kendo and yet I will never EVER reduce the impact that flag makes and the still very much present trauma created by Imperialist Japan.

    Crow October 9, 2023 10:42 am
    (disclaimer, I don't really like this comic, the characters are fking annoying, I'm just giving some opinion)Most likely because it just isn't the representation of the rising sun. Rising Sun is with 16 rays, t... Hiroshi

    I guess the main issue is that there’s so many different versions of the flag and we find that all types of facists will alter the original designs - we see this with symbols like the swastika all the time. The more I think about it, I just personally think it’s way too close for comfort. A larger center and more rays is the only difference? And it’s not that big of an altercation. I think I’m just going to keep avoiding this comic - but I appreciate the comment!

    Kadara October 9, 2023 1:40 pm
    I guess the main issue is that there’s so many different versions of the flag and we find that all types of facists will alter the original designs - we see this with symbols like the swastika all the time. T... Crow

    I don't mean to but in, but how are you sure the artist didn't just think ooo, let me put a circle with ray to highlight the red in the drawing

    Kadara October 9, 2023 1:41 pm
    I can appreciate the comment but do NOT use Wikipedia as a source! Use actual reputable and reliable resources, especially for historical subjects, please. I’m well aware about Japan’s history and also that... Crow

    People are not going to be aware of the atrocities because, they where bit taught in schools, and many people don not care about history

    Kadara October 9, 2023 1:46 pm
    I can appreciate the comment but do NOT use Wikipedia as a source! Use actual reputable and reliable resources, especially for historical subjects, please. I’m well aware about Japan’s history and also that... Crow

    People are not going to be aware of the atrocities because, they where bit taught in schools, and many people dont not care about history, but how will anyone know of this atrocities if they do not even know the countries involved in world war one

    Hiroshi October 9, 2023 8:55 pm
    I guess the main issue is that there’s so many different versions of the flag and we find that all types of facists will alter the original designs - we see this with symbols like the swastika all the time. T... Crow

    That makes sense, definitely see where ur coming from. Surprised your comment got so many replies btw lmao

Crow October 6, 2023 3:06 pm

You can tell it’s written by a man just from the cover because every time I see it on the main page I flinch in pain at the fucking suction that undie has on her fanny like that’s gotta be damaging the external organs like there’s blood loss going on there; she won’t be able to pee comfortably for a few days. Prayers for the poor women in the story for being created by a man and treated as just sex toys and prayers for the women in real life who have to deal with the people that read this shit

Crow October 6, 2023 2:40 pm

King for closing down the newspaper after they almost outed them

Crow October 5, 2023 8:58 am

Can we please get this girl’s fanny off the main page

Crow September 18, 2023 12:57 pm


    Myllie1 September 19, 2023 12:14 am

    It was mistranslated in plot important points, they have to start again

Crow September 15, 2023 11:37 am


Crow September 14, 2023 6:56 am


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