I still think that Kanami should stay with Makoto "onii-chan" until the older brother got his shit together..
But I really love the relationship between Kanami and Makoto. I really love to see age-gap friendships, and although I wouldn't really read manga like this I'm glad my gut told me to read this.

(Talking about red hair girl)
Why do some people do this like...if you knew your friend/loved one was in a dangerous situation that they were unaware of or if you knew they needed to hear some truth that you knew about why didn't you tell them? Because it would "hurt their feelings"? I'd rather have their feelings hurt but them being safe/secure then the opposite.

Why would they just walk away, especially Taehee(hope I spelled that right). If I saw my loved one all bruised up and with cuts I'd call the cops asap, especially after hearing Dojin's scream and what he shouted...
And then Dojin (I also hope I spelled that right) knew that dude was crazy and turned his back on him?! Like, is this only common sense to me? I see no one else pointing this out.

I mean.. I'm not gonna say it's worse because I don't care too much about it but it definitely got lazier. I hope the artists is doing this on purpose and not because they've gotten tired of the series, because you can tell whenever an artists worked hard on their work or when they've rushed it, and this definitely seems rushed to me.
Staying silent never did anyone any good. And this chapter is a good example of why it hasn't.