banana created a topic of Half of Me


banana followed question about your opinions

Are there any other neurodivergent people here whose special interests include bl manga? I have made friends who like bl, but I've always felt like they aren't as hyper fixated on it as I am. My tastes are as such: 1) I read bl manga and manhwa mostly, not as much manhua. I don't read novels or watch bl dramas 2) I detest highschool settings (......

19 01,2024
banana created a topic of Non-Refundable Alpha

i feel like the ML’s initial incentive to become the perfect man for MC is a bit insufficient. idk, you could say it’s the power of love, but how did the ML become so motivated to become respected, rich and handsome (not to mention low key obsessed) for a guy who basically did not care about him. MC leeched off ML’s money and material items in HS, where was the relationship beyond that?

it just feels a bit too convenient for the MC that hes forced in this situation where he gets the “perfect man”. it just doesn’t feel like he deserves it considering it seems he has barely changed and continues to “put his own enjoyment first.”

just generally there wasn’t enough runtime to flesh out anything, or have any character development. i’m sorry— it escalated from the MC realizing he was in love to a 10 year time skip

banana created a topic of A Shoulder to Cry On

yeah no, taehyun’s a bit unbearable at the start, but ive since learnt to empathize with him as the story goes on. taehyun, since childhood, experienced a great deal of neglect, to internalizing mostly if not just the blame and burdens of other people. those r the most genuine and most familiar emotions he understands, which is why i imagine he breaks down when trying to articulate things like empathy and love.

it’s because of this that i appreciate how the author expresses taehyun’s kind of slow emotional uptake on everything. so including how long it took for him to verbalize that he wanted to pursue a relationship with the MC to (in the side stories) just expressing what he wants. clearly this doesn’t excuse the stuff he did, but it’s interesting to see that, even at the end, taehyun’s still working through his emotional setbacks that would ultimately influence his experiences of love. just a lil something unique that i don’t normally see in these kinda of stories

banana created a topic of My Damned XXX

usually when the story just completely diverges from the main couple to focus on an entirely different one, i immediately lose interest.
but i think it’s because seonwoo is such an asshole, im having fun seeing this man get kicked of his high horse by a guy that’s bigger than him. haha, the dynamic is pretty interesting, hope to see more of them.

banana like topic of Form of Sympathy

I guess I've been too immersed in this story plot and the characters that I am gonna have to explain it to people at the back who seems to want everything to turn into rainbows and butterflies.


1) Yuri is a victim of Parental abuse, neglect and has a very broken family views, he's dependent on kindness and was attracted to his sister
2) Teacher was another victim of issues related to his parents, with his mother being obsessively controlling. In addition to that, he also struggled with his sexuality as a teen kid.
3) Their relationship did not, I REPEAT, DID NOT STARTED in a GOOD WAY. The start of their encounters was a major red flag, and it has never been as smooth sailing even now. Why? Read first two points and 4th point.
4) They were both into one-sided attraction to people they couldn't have, who ended up together. Yuri's sister and teacher's friend. And they were both obsessed.
5) at the start, their frustrations was released through SEXUAL ACTIONS (sex, bjs, drunk sexual acts) and jt was usually never a two-way consent

Now, reading all these is not enough to explain how this story is unfolding like this right now. So please gather a bit more comprehension, majority of people here needs it.

6) TEACHER IS NOT INNOCENT, HE IS NOT "KIND KIND" (not that he's evil) nor WAS HE EVEN AN EXEMPLARY ROLE MODEL TO YURI during the first part of this story. He kissed Yuri without consent, he had sex with Yuri and he had sex with several other men to vent. Also, don't forget that every single time, it was because he had the other guy in his mind. He's irresponsible in a way and also lacks the determination to abstain whenever Yuri does make his advance. This indecisiveness was then proven and shown at the later part.

7) YURI HAS NEVER BEEN MENTALLY STABLE. He is impulsive and selfish, (evidence shown when he 2as rude to his sister's husband infront of his sister whom he claimed he love) He does not think of other people's emotions, more like he lacks the ability to accomodate their feelings or think of their point of view. He's violent and has a vile mouth. I do not understant how yall are coming at him now like he was never like this to begin with. It wasn't severaly shown at first but there was a reason WHY HE WORSENED. I really think you should atleast know this right, since you read the story up till this latest part.


He fell inlove with Teacher when teacher was down in the dumps, accompanied him in the hotel and they practically lived together. Although those moments, every second, wasn't shown in it's entirety, it was a long time of Yuri abd Teacher co-existing and depending on one another emotionally. It's not just a period of living together, it was the moment when Yuri finally started accepting his feelings and ACTUALLY STARTING TO CHANGE. However, this change is dependent to teacher.

And teacher on the other hand, IS CONFLICTED AND INDECISIVE. He persisted to refuse or denounce Yuri's advances, concluded it as a whim because Yuri is younger. Which is something I'd say I could kind of understand since I read the first manhwa of author *the story of Yuri's friend and his bf). However, teacher does not self reflect nor does he want to admit to his wrongdoings.

Why? He had already accepted Yuri as a way to satisfy his sexual frustration several times, but yaps about it being wrong because he was his student.

Another tipping point that broke the line that keeps Yuri in check was the argument, followed by the sexual assault and then the abandonment. CAN YOU UNDERSTAND NOW? This obsession or possessiveness wasn't something that appeared OUT OF THE BLUE, It has been foreshadowed several times and is literally the plot of the story. IT HAS BEEN HERE SINCE DAY 1.

A mere reunion would not be enough to solve this pile of misunderstanding, trauma and distrust the couple has. THE VOCAL ACCEPTANCE OF TEACHER IS NOT ENOUGH to fix the bigger issue, and YURI REFUSES TO MATURE AND UNDERSTAND. They are both in the wrong. But all of a sudden, it was all Yuri's fault and the teacher deserves better?? Did he ever apologised to everything he'd done? Nope, why? Because he was drunk. But drunken stupor should not be an excuse to irresponsibility.

PLEASE TRY TO UNDERSTAND THE STORY. It pains me that people here are so superficial and shallow. Almost like they did not read this at all. Everyone is asking for the good things as if the story was tagged under the genre of fairytale. This story resonates with me on a different level. It's because people seem more real, flawed and tainted. And broken relationships don't get better with just a kiss or a fuck. Calm down and wait for things to get better, or things to finay fall apart.

In conclusion: Comprehension is key.

banana created a topic of viewfinder (Ez)

LMAO THE TITLE PAGE CHANGING TO THE SECOND COUPLE THO- new viewers r about to be hella confused

banana created a topic of Form of Sympathy

i just want to extend onto @loading’s comment in saying how yuri has been a red flag from the start, cos yes, yuri sucks cos he’s lowkey a guilt-tripper and brat, but it’s not like this anything new, since yuri has ALWAYS been like this since he first started liking seonwoo.

it has been through these toxic methods that yuri has gotten seonwoo to sleep him, live with him, take care of him even BEFORE seonwoo reciprocated yuri’s feelings. u can probably say that it’s even contributed to them getting together.

and that now that they’re together, yuri isn’t going to magically default to being a healthy person cos he isn’t. and in saying so i’m not saying that i hate yuri cos i don’t, neither does that mean his behaviour should be excused. atm, i trust nodeok (the author) to address this properly, and handle yuri’s emotional journey in a reallt mature way a lot of the story’s elements have already been handled

especially with ch.122, HE IS trying to hold back, it’s not he’s unaware of his tantrums, this development parallels to a literalt mental breakdown of him crying about how frustrated he is with his own immature tendencies and tantrums that cause trouble to others (this was when he was still like heejoo)

TLDR: give some slack to yuri

banana created a topic of Form of Sympathy

honestly i’m really glad yohan’s there to call yuri out on his toxic bs. he’s there to affirm that WITHIN the series (and for the viewers), that his behaviour is NOT okay, which makes me think that yuri and seonwoo’ s relationship will probably change. i knew the endgame wasn’t going to be easy, but i hope yuri understands this soon…

banana created a topic of Form of Sympathy

for anyone wondering about r15 and r19 releases!!!
atm, we have r19 chapters up to chapter 112, released and translated by v05 from clowncar scans. dont know where they’ve been for a month or so, but nekobasu has been very cool to upload r15 chapters in the meantime. nekobasu’s uploads come from the official ENG publisher, Manta and are actually up to date to the latest upload which comes out officially every friday.

while i don’t know when we’ll get the next r19 chapters, you can check out their tumblr page, clowncarscans. please be nice, the group have been doing their own translations and clean-ups, and have been doing so since 2021!!!!
thank u nekobasu for filling in… and we shall wait for v05’s return…

banana created a topic of Form of Sympathy

god, i love yuri with all my heart but his behaviour (since ch.115) is just toxic, atleast at this point of the relationship where their relationship has already come PAST the need for sympathy to keep going. i think that yuri wanting seonwoo to take pity on him comes back to how they even came to interact in the first place and how yuri first came to discover that he even “liked” seonwoo. theres an earlier chapter that literally states that yuri’s love comes in the form of sympathy (haha, lol get it) like— while his behaviour is pretty toxic, i can see where it’s coming from, hence earlier events and yuri’s dysfunctional family. but also, at the end of the day, i think it’s all apart of the healing and development process that seonwoo, and now yuri has to go through. seonwoo has learnt to overcome much of his guilt to even pursue a further relationship with yuri and now yuri will probably need to learn that their relationship can exist without the need for pity and sympathy.

i love this story and it’s characters to bits, and i hope it goes well for both of them. (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

banana add manga to list romance is cute

"I bet if it's you, it's possible. Try to go after the Ice Iron Lady!"Nao Yoshin...

  • Author: Porun,Watanuki Men
  • Genres: Comedy / Romance