Izumimori Yuki, who works at a cabaret club in Tokyo, hates being poor due to an incident in her chi...
- Author: Amazaki Suika
- Genres: Comedy / Drama / Romance / Slice of life / Supernatural
A yuri romantic comedy centered on a temporary relationship between a gal and an honor student. The...
- Author: Amazaki Suika
- Genres: Comedy / Romance / School life / Shoujo ai
- Author:
- Genres: Comedy / One Shot / School Life / Shoujo Ai / Slice Of Life
At Seiruri Girls School, there are two opposing factions: the "Ruri Gumi," made up of respectable yo...
- Author: Rey
- Genres: Drama / Romance / School life / Shoujo ai
- Author: g-complex, yui_7
- Genres: Drama / Supernatural / Yuri
Marie, a domineering and selfish princess, faced her end under the guillotine's blade after her...
- Author:
- Genres: Comedy / Historical / Shoujo Ai
A few years ago, the Second Queen Nayla incited a rebellion. The King and the First Queen, Viatan, a...
- Author:
- Genres: Webtoons / Romance / Shoujo / Shoujo Ai
Mao Kurose can't help but be intrigued by her classmate Kanade Momomiya, who sits next to her. She's...
- Author: KAIJI Supana,梶井スパナ
- Genres: Romance / Yuri / Isekai / Slice of Life
Our protagonist, the speedrunning emperor of "Anotherverse", suddenly feels sleepy in the middle of ...
- Author: Koide Yoshito
- Genres: Comedy / Video Games / Isekai / Philosophical
Ninjas, known for their exceptional physical abilities, mastery of various tools, and expertise in s...
- Author:
- Genres: Action / Adventure / Fantasy / Seinen
A "dragon" appears from a container that fell in front of Dazai Ryunosuke's eyes.The ...
- Author: murasaki daigo,shibakame
- Genres: Shounen / Action / Romance / Comedy / Harem / Fantasy
- Author: Yume mitsuki
- Genres: Shoujo ai / Yuri / Drama / Full color / Long strip / Official colored / Romance / School life / Slice of life / Web comic / Webtoons