after a longggggggg months of waiting, its S2 everyone!!!
whyyy things so goooooood always end too fast?? huhu
when will u change????????? like even a bit? justa give us a bit of hope huh!!
chapter 39?? maybe u have sites there lols
cliche as it is, it feels like yesterday since I’ve read this and noooowww huhu! ch. 100!!!!! huhu! getting old.
couple of my year(s)-long manga, manhwa, and manhua(s) are near to end [this ended too tho; ty for extras], I realized that I’m getting old [huhu] and graduation will soon arrive ╥﹏╥
they grown up soooooo adorable!
it’s wayyyyy cuter than I imagine!!!
maybe Noah could have his own story….ye? lol
tysm for the update! Looking forward!
after a longggggggg months of waiting, its S2 everyone!!!