if i was ash, i wouldve crashed out and kicked everyone out... there were comments about it during the last chapter, but why would they talk about an ex AND talk about things Ash hasn't told them himself..? beyond rude imo. like, regardless of how long you've been friends with someone, it's straight up disrespectful to their current partner to mention an ex.

the backstory of the royals of the bird tribe and their crown prince(s)/heir to the throne was kind of really fucking sad... the king's affair, the 2 mothers, the original crown prince, and then the egg which was surrounded by ill intent the entire time. I want to blame the king for the fate everyone met, but I also just feel bad for him. honestly, if I did have to blame something, I'm blaming their policies and royal culture(?). Royal lineage and throne successions never result in a happy ending for everyone bc someone has to get the short end of the stick.
anyway, I did find it funny how quick we went from 100 to a 0 in 2 chapters

this would go so hard as a short anime series or even a movie (like how Stranger By The Beach was done). I could just imagine the flashback scenes and the sound effects; the chattering of students on their graduation day, then it falls silent as the ghosts of their past pass them by as if they just graduated as well with just the sound of the wind as background noise. i need an adaptation for this PLEASE