A teacher. Either math or Japanese. But rn I'm kinda a loser lolz!! And I suck at math! And also I'm super illiterate when it comes to japanese! I can only speak bc I have to explain stuff to my mom. My gap year is going great yall (it's not)
So many things. I would say period cramps or anything period related but I don't get those anymore. So imma say constipation.
Not being able to shit while feeling like you gotta shit is the worst thing ever. It's like a pressure that builds up. And when I did have periods.... it was worse. I got period constipation so cramps plus no shitting. Actu......
Hi, I'm a male alpha and I can't speak for omega experiences but as an alpha, I definitely recomend telling your friend. Avoiding a friend, especially an alpha one, can have some pretty intense consequences. Just be honest and make sure to set up boundaries. You two should be comfortable next to eachother and for that to happen communication is key......