Ayaben's feed

I came from the future to give spoilers

MC hair color and the Duke

The Exel family made a pact with a dragon, making all their descendents have black/blue hair. With no exceptions. This is why everyone questions her paternity, as it's not a genetic thing per say, but thanks to the pact.

The Duke loved the duchess very much, he knew she would ran away with the child if he tried anything, so he said to everyone that she was his daughter. He said he would never love her, but after beign called "papa" for the first time, he felt like crying, because he noticed he already loved her.

Everything was peaceful. Until the duchess death. Sadly, after her death a man cane and told everyone hi was MC biological father. The grief, resentment and hate consumes the Duke, making him give her away.

But what about her hair color? Is she really a fruit of an affair? No.

She was born with immense magical power, and has a strong connection with earth (as a element). MC also doubted about her origins and didn't blame the Duke, until one day, while playing with her childhood friend, she uses too much magic to the point of exhaustion. This is when her brown hair becomes black/blue.
So yeah, the only reason her hair is brown, is thanks to the magical power, in reality it's just like her father and brothers.
She cried a lot after realizing that the woman she loved, her mom, never once lied.


Until this chapter, we already find out that the short hair brother (Leon?) knows that his sister is fake. Both him, silver hair and a Duke from another family use her (without her lnowing) to a marriage contract to strengthen their families.
Chapter 20, our MC uses her own saliva to trigger the reaction of the monsters byproducts. She is immune to anything related to monster, so her saliva was a reagent that made the Fake lose control.

The fake becomes a monster like creature, because every family of the empire is present, the Exels wouldn't be able to cover it up. The MC wanted to fake her death to run away, so she gets gravely injured, but silver hair saves her life.

The Duke never knew she was fake, only after seeing her transform that he realized she wasn't his daughter. It destroyed him inside. Long hair brother also didny knew, making him in despair.


After MC wakes up after a few days, she confronts the Fake, showing her black hair and telling she was the true daughter of the Exels. Her plan was to use the Fake one to get information, but the Fake is all like "no, my people'll save me". And they do show up, but MC already killed all of them, only showing the fake theirs corpses.


Now her mission is complete, she can go back home. The thing is, Leon (one of the brothers) destroys her house and forces the bank to freeze every single account. Leaving her homeless and with no money.
Like in the first chapter, he wants her to stay and act as his sister as a way of comfort them.

And I have to end here, as I only know until chapter 25.