Title Update Recommend
love(142) 2024-07-02 0
A A NEW SESSON AWAITS(9) 2023-07-23 0
A list revenge modern(5) 2023-02-05 0
Action manga(100) 2024-02-17 0
Action/long/exciting(133) 2024-05-01 0
All love mangas(59) 2023-06-09 0
All time favs (42) 2023-04-28 0
Apocalipsis (2) 2022-09-12 0
Asura(2) 2022-12-15 0
Bomb(1) 2023-05-03 0
CUTE(22) 2023-04-11 0
Couples I would die/mass murder for(13) 2023-04-25 0
Cute(19) 2023-04-14 0
Discontinued (2) 2022-08-07 0
Drama/suspenseful(40) 2022-11-28 0
Enemy to lovers (1) 2022-11-23 0
Finished favs(1) 2022-10-31 0
Fun historical(47) 2023-04-12 0
Funny manga(15) 2023-02-19 0
GIC(4) 2022-10-19 0
Game setting(28) 2023-01-30 0
Idk how to feel(4) 2023-04-26 0
Idk what this is yet(5) 2023-02-14 0
I’m going to sob(6) 2023-11-17 0
Kid/adopt/loving family(71) 2023-09-19 0
List of ohotos(1) 2023-02-25 0
Long funny(6) 2022-12-02 0
Love manga(4) 2023-05-02 0
Lovey dovey but sometimes not(117) 2023-03-17 0
Mang Yao(2) 2023-03-16 0
Manga fun(4) 2023-04-21 0
Maybe read idk(32) 2023-01-24 0
Mind boggling painful reads(1) 2022-11-30 0
Modern love(10) 2023-01-19 0
Murim (55) 2024-07-02 0
No back bone(1) 2023-02-28 0
Omegaverse(1) 2023-01-02 0
Oop(39) 2023-12-05 0
P2 love(2) 2022-07-02 0
Promo(6) 2023-03-11 0
Psycho(12) 2023-01-11 0
Pure smut(49) 2023-11-16 0
R15(4) 2023-06-30 0
Revenge/reborn/villainess(66) 2023-01-17 0
Románce2(5) 2022-08-07 0
Season 2 waiting(10) 2024-05-24 0
Slow burn (1) 2022-08-29 0
Speak to the soul(1) 2022-08-06 0
Spooky(3) 2022-12-20 0
Stupid omega verse bullshit (1) 2022-11-21 0
Supernatural/reborn/fancy(11) 2022-05-12 0
This is so depressing by of a read idk if I want to finish wtf(1) 2023-03-08 0
Wholesome (1) 2023-01-11 0
Why the fuck was this so short what utter bs (3) 2023-04-10 0
Woai(154) 2023-04-07 0
Wtf(16) 2023-06-29 0
Wuri(59) 2024-04-27 0
Yandere/possessive(43) 2024-09-02 0
Yaoi2(124) 2024-08-03 0

Jelly's List Tags