Everytime I see stupid takes on historical undergarments I want to fight the author... Corsets were only tightlaced in the victorian era for like only a decade, corsets were just bras of their day. Plus tightlacing like here would damage the corset really fast and it's usability time would decrease dramatically. Women weren't stupid and they didn't just use corsets to get the fashionable body shape. They used petticoats, padding, extra fabric etc. Also corsets Help with posture and spine, even in modern times people with scoliosis use corsets to help their backs. Even pregnant women would wear corsets and just loosen their laces... Also you can't change the fashionable body shape and the fashionstyle just because you want to, people will laugh in your face if you show up to high society dressing in some weird ass dresses. Ok rant over hope no one read this far