Miki February 15, 2021 10:52 am

I get it you guys don't like all the rape, but stop complaining! There's so much stuff without rape out there
If you keep going like this tho, the author might read these opinions of yours, and do you guys know what would happen then? Many things could happen, like dropping the work or modifying it... FOR FAN SERVICE! Is that what you want? For the author to "sell" themselves 'cause they'd have no choice? To not be spontaneous anymore?

And to those who said that last part wasn't needed: I think those things ARE necessary to the plot, instead
You know, many people draw about vampires, demons, spirits, deities and so on... but they make them too similar to us! Same feelings, so used to us, they already know everything
Well, isn't that unrealistic though? Nuah doesn't have any experience with humans and he doesn't get what's right, what's wrong, what's normal and what's not
THAT is realistic, for a person supposed not to know anything to actually know nothing!

All these episodes with rape and so on, so strange to us, are all part of a scale to make Nuah aware
He'll slowly understand and start being more possessive maybe, or I don't know
But they serve to build up his character
It's no different from those times in yaoi, for example, in which the mc gets jealous over nothing (like the partner's sister or things like those) but with Nuah being from a different reality, it needs to be more exaggerated
Or do you honestly think Nuah would understand if he saw Rix being close to someone, even without kissing and such?

On the other hand, if it's really just for the author sexual preference, well it's their preferences! Like those of Gengoroh Tagame or Harada
They may look strange, but are beautiful nonetheless
Or even Ogawa Chise, that as well

Hope you get what I meant and really decide, if even after this you don't like the work, to go somewhere else. There's so much "sold" stuff out there.

    YaoiIsLife February 15, 2021 12:41 pm

    I still don't get it how it was necessary for many panels to feature close ups of Rix (the one being raped/assaulted) feeling it, being aroused it. I mean it's mostly those things that bothers me. Also, most of the rapists/assaulters here are seldom punished for what they've done.

    Miki February 15, 2021 1:32 pm
    I still don't get it how it was necessary for many panels to feature close ups of Rix (the one being raped/assaulted) feeling it, being aroused it. I mean it's mostly those things that bothers me. Also, most of... YaoiIsLife

    That's also true, but I think they see rape in a different way in that world
    Only something humiliating and nothing else
    I think it's because it's set in a fantasty, but still a past
    So, you know, in the past rape wasn't something "bad", it was something that happened often and only humiliating for the victim
    That was it
    It was centuries after then it was declared a crime in our world

    About the point of "rapists being punished" if you're referring to an outside revenge, I think it wouldn't be right
    While if you mean a justice punishment, like imprisonment or torture, or something like that, well
    It was probably not against the law
    Maybe it would be if those who raped him knew he's a prince (I'm guessing raping royals was illegal even then)

    Lastly, regarding the close ups
    Well, as I have said it could be the author personal taste, or simply the fact that not always our body responds to reason
    And pleasure, most often, goes beyond that
    I think it's a good message, like picture it: rape is an horrible thing I'm against to(irl) but it may occur even irl; wouldn't you rather feel good? I mean, if you were to get raped you'd probably develop a trauma anyway but, if it felt good I think it would be better
    And come on, Rix has only been raped by handsome men. He was lucky 'cause it could have been much worse!

    Miki February 15, 2021 1:32 pm
    I still don't get it how it was necessary for many panels to feature close ups of Rix (the one being raped/assaulted) feeling it, being aroused it. I mean it's mostly those things that bothers me. Also, most of... YaoiIsLife

    (Apologies for the long reply)

    YaoiIsLife February 15, 2021 2:15 pm
    That's also true, but I think they see rape in a different way in that worldOnly something humiliating and nothing elseI think it's because it's set in a fantasty, but still a pastSo, you know, in the past rape... Miki

    I'm sorry but this

    "And come on, Rix has only been raped by handsome men. He was lucky 'cause it could have been much worse!"

    doesn't sound right at all.

    YaoiIsLife February 15, 2021 2:26 pm

    Based on the contents of your comments, I can say without a doubt that you're a member of the demographic that likes/enjoy this sort of stuff. With that in mind, it will be pretty much useless for me to try to reason with you. You do you, I guess.

    Miki February 15, 2021 2:28 pm
    I'm sorry but this "And come on, Rix has only been raped by handsome men. He was lucky 'cause it could have been much worse!"doesn't sound right at all. YaoiIsLife

    I'm an optimistic person
    I search for the good side, in the most general way
    So, with rape, would it better if it were someone ugly(for your standards) or handsome/gorgeous(for your standards)?

    Miki February 15, 2021 2:32 pm
    Based on the contents of your comments, I can say without a doubt that you're a member of the demographic that likes/enjoy this sort of stuff. With that in mind, it will be pretty much useless for me to try to ... YaoiIsLife

    I do enjoy watching/reading it, but not in real life
    And I'm open to everything, I just don't really support close minded people... and I'm referring to those who keep complaining where there are so many stories without rape or things like that
    For example: I don't enjoy gore at all and there was this one time I had accidentally read a gore story (I think I hadn't seen the tag) and I just got out asap
    I didn't complain in the comments, 'cause I didn't want to disturb the joy of.those people that really appreciated that work
    And I'm also against manipulating authors with complaints

    Moon February 15, 2021 2:51 pm
    That's also true, but I think they see rape in a different way in that worldOnly something humiliating and nothing elseI think it's because it's set in a fantasty, but still a pastSo, you know, in the past rape... Miki

    WTF. You could've just stop at the second paragraph.
    I don't care if you enjoy rape contents, I've seen a lot of people who enjoy it but doesn't say awful stuff. Why are you bringing real life to it? It's a good message? If it felt good then it would've been better? Lucky because it could've been so much worse? wtf.
    If you see nothing wrong with these I recommend you go to therapy. You're not being optimistic, you're being shitty and ignorant to people who've been through these kind of things.

    Miki February 15, 2021 3:26 pm
    WTF. You could've just stop at the second paragraph.I don't care if you enjoy rape contents, I've seen a lot of people who enjoy it but doesn't say awful stuff. Why are you bringing real life to it? It's a good... Moon

    Now you're changing my words
    You misinterpreted them
    First off: it's not true I see nothing wrong with rape (I even said it and more than once probably)
    And I'll have a serious discussion with you only once you'll have read all the comments like the other person did, 'cause respect is important and talking without even having read all of it is what's "ignorant "

    Ambrosia February 15, 2021 4:01 pm
    That's also true, but I think they see rape in a different way in that worldOnly something humiliating and nothing elseI think it's because it's set in a fantasty, but still a pastSo, you know, in the past rape... Miki

    I’m sorry but your last paragraph especially...I want you to seriously reconsider this type of thinking. That it’s better if there’s physical pleasure and your rapist is attractive. This is often a narrative used in real life to dismiss the severity of a rape victim’s trauma, and many victims deal with guilt and shame for still feeling pleasure despite it all. Your body’s physiological response isn’t something you can control, and this is something that’s used against victims irl. “But you enjoyed it didn’t you” “Consider yourself lucky to be raped by such a handsome guy” these are very dangerous mindsets, please reconsider how you think about this.

    You can enjoy the story for what it is while acknowledging the rape here is gratuitous and used for porn rather than plot. I have also read and enjoyed stories that contained rape, even stories that had rape as a major plot point or stories about demons that adhere to a different moral standard. But trying to justify it this way is not okay. There’s no optimistic side. Acknowledge the rape as rape. Feel free to continue enjoying the story but don’t make excuses for it, there’s nothing about rape with a hot guy or rape that feels good that makes it in any way better and less of rape. And especially /especially/ consider how victims irl are actually often told things like this to minimize their trauma and shame them.

    Moon February 15, 2021 4:02 pm
    Now you're changing my wordsYou misinterpreted themFirst off: it's not true I see nothing wrong with rape (I even said it and more than once probably)And I'll have a serious discussion with you only once you'll... Miki

    1. I've read all your comments before so don't call me ignorant.
    2. Tell me where did change your words I literally copied from you.
    2. When I said "if you see nothing wrong with these" I meant the comment you typed that I copied. You saw nothing wrong with those statements you wrote? (if it felt good it would've been better, he's lucky it could've been so much, Rix only was raped by handsome men)
    3. You need better reading comprehension skills
    4. You need better empathy and respect for victims.don't bring real life into this by saying it "spreads good message". It fucking don't.
    5. You don't need to reply to this comment because I have no interest to say more. If you still can't understand, shit idek you have a problematic mindset, not optimistic.

    lostikins February 15, 2021 5:13 pm
    I still don't get it how it was necessary for many panels to feature close ups of Rix (the one being raped/assaulted) feeling it, being aroused it. I mean it's mostly those things that bothers me. Also, most of... YaoiIsLife

    Uhm so far it's only been like what? 3 times now that it's happened? (I don't count Banam 'cause I think he was supposed to be pullin' the magical orb things out 'cause why else would a divine beast do that)

    The mercenary/assassin dude only got off 'cause Nuah started coughin' up his insides instantly after usin' his powers against a human. The slave trader was actually arrested and will more than likely face a boat load of charges since he was runnin' a whole illegal slave ring so he's not gettin' off without punishment. The incubus was reprimanded (sorta) but I guess it's 'cause of the fantasy settin' they can't really do much about it. Demons, fairies, divine beasts and all sorts of creatures live in this world so some level of symbiosis is probably in play here.

    And the whole thing in the earlier chapters with the curse was all stuff that was goin' on in his head so while mentally he was bein' raped, physically he was just writhing around in pain from constant arousal.

    It feels like Rix is assaulted a lot but in reality a good portion of it was all in his head from the curse. Unless I'm missin' somethin' else-- I do read A LOT of works at the same time so my memory can be dodgy at best-- but these are the only 3 instances I can think of where he was actually sexually assaulted. (and even then the incubus was all in his head as well so if you think about it it's pretty much on the same level as his curse but at least it isn't his brother or childhood friends fuckin' his brains out as torture)

    Nalu February 15, 2021 5:35 pm
    I'm an optimistic personI search for the good side, in the most general waySo, with rape, would it better if it were someone ugly(for your standards) or handsome/gorgeous(for your standards)? Miki

    I rather be no rape at all. Also, you can’t make a rape a good thing. No matter who rapes who, it’s still rape. Being attractive doesn’t take away from the trauma. Wtf is wrong with you??

    Water February 16, 2021 2:55 am
    Now you're changing my wordsYou misinterpreted themFirst off: it's not true I see nothing wrong with rape (I even said it and more than once probably)And I'll have a serious discussion with you only once you'll... Miki

    Wow.... You don't see anything wrong in rape.... Wow.... I hope and pray you don't get raped....

    Miki February 16, 2021 9:32 am
    Wow.... You don't see anything wrong in rape.... Wow.... I hope and pray you don't get raped.... Water

    I said "it's not true I see nothing wrong with rape" omitting the "that"
    It means I DO see it as wrong

    lostikins February 16, 2021 4:22 pm
    Wow.... You don't see anything wrong in rape.... Wow.... I hope and pray you don't get raped.... Water

    Okay, first off, just 'cause fictional scenarios that aren't involving REAL PEOPLE don't 'cause you to go on some weird moral high horse adventure and signal Gondor for aid doesn't mean you are ok or condone it irl. fiction = / = reality and I wish some of ya'll that lack critical thinkin' would understand that.

    SECONDLY TF IS WITH THE BACKHANDED "hope you don't get raped" COMMENT? This sounds like "don't trip on your way out" when you actually do want the person to experience some sort of misfortune. As someone who was raped and sexually assaulted at the age of fuckin' 5 it SICKENS ME when people say shit like this over a goddamn fictional character. You don't have some sort of moral high ground just 'cause you seem to think you're "normal" for thinkin' "rape is bad" lol EVERYONE THINKS THAT. No one reads/consumes content with problematic content and goes "man I really wish someone would brutally rip my entrails from my body and eat me like that cannibal did" or anythin' along those lines.

    The fact that people like you think it's a-ok to wish actual, physical harm on people over a goddamn piece of paper with lines on it makes me question your upbringin' and wonder if ya'll really need to go back to grade school to re-learn that fiction does not, in fact, affect your reality. If it did we'd have a whole lot more murderers, rapists, cannibals, psychopaths and the whole shebang if it did.

    Wishin' physical harm or "suibaiting" is actually a federal offense so when you threaten someone online or tell them they need to "kill yourself" you are, in fact, committin' a crime punishable by prison time. Meanwhile, readin' fictional content or creatin' fictional content is not a crime whatsoever. Chew on that while you think about how "morally high" you are lol

    Water February 16, 2021 5:21 pm
    Okay, first off, just 'cause fictional scenarios that aren't involving REAL PEOPLE don't 'cause you to go on some weird moral high horse adventure and signal Gondor for aid doesn't mean you are ok or condone it... lostikins

    Come and arrest me because I pray and hoped for her never to experience it....

Miki November 21, 2020 12:31 pm

Really I should stop, I'm getting really mad at what the people are saying. They're just blaming all of them or the uke in particular.
Listen, first off the uke in the end sacrificed himself 'cause he loved them both;

second thing second the three of them were all too confused, not much experience and we even saw the thoughts of them all... we know what they feel deep inside, then why are you blaming them for being "bad people"? Just because this author decided to highlight the "ethically" bad sides of people and their actual thoughts?
Y'all aren't really putting yourself in their shoes... I get it not everyone wants to be empathic, but this all sounds like what Pareto would say it is, a "justification for unsatisfaction" but let's not get too deep in that.

The thing is: if you judge real people the way you judged these characters, then you're ruthless.

(Lastly, to break the tension)

    celeste40712 November 25, 2020 6:30 pm

    And I was also waiting for the threesome to happen ( ̄ε(# ̄) I wouldn’t mind a throuple either

    Miki November 30, 2020 2:15 am
    This!!! And I was also waiting for the threesome to happen ( ̄ε(# ̄) I wouldn’t mind a throuple either celeste40712

    I sooo agree with that ლ(´ڡ`ლ)

Miki November 21, 2020 12:18 pm

That could have ended with a threesome, but No, u made us cry! Why can't it be a polyamorous relationshiiip (/TДT)/

Miki September 27, 2020 1:08 pm

Last page chap. 6.

This ass is on fire!
This ass is on fire!
Ass's walking on fire
This ass is on fire

Looks like a butt, but it's an ass
So bright, it can burn your eyes
Better look the other way

    YourAverageDumbass September 27, 2020 1:47 pm

    You can try but you’ll never forget that ass!
    It’s on top of the butts!
    The biggest of the biggest butts!

Miki July 26, 2020 9:48 am

I ship them too much, helppp

    rei July 27, 2020 6:40 am

    hell no

    chuuya July 27, 2020 3:30 pm
    hell no rei

    yeah hell no. u can tell jieun is a bitch. so no

Miki July 4, 2020 11:26 am

Another parallel world with two other Sen and Amatatsu in it! Itadakimasu!

    FujoshiShoujo July 9, 2020 8:58 am

    the two friends that got infected might be amatatsu’s friends, they got the same hair if I’m not wrong

    Miki July 9, 2020 11:57 pm
    the two friends that got infected might be amatatsu’s friends, they got the same hair if I’m not wrong FujoshiShoujo

    If you mean Amatatsu's friends, the ones shown in the first chapter, I think they resemble more Ryou and Yuusei from "Encirclement Love" 'cause Mishiba seems to have, mhm, bangs you could say? While the glasses friend has that upwards-hair like Ryou from EL, although this is just a theory and I see your point

    Miki July 9, 2020 11:57 pm
    the two friends that got infected might be amatatsu’s friends, they got the same hair if I’m not wrong FujoshiShoujo


    FujoshiShoujo July 10, 2020 12:49 am
    If you mean Amatatsu's friends, the ones shown in the first chapter, I think they resemble more Ryou and Yuusei from "Encirclement Love" 'cause Mishiba seems to have, mhm, bangs you could say? While the glasses... Miki

    yeah? but when I see these two

    and these two

    the resemblance is uncanny, but then again, it’s just a theory tho I like the way this author basically make a sequel with a totally different atmosphere

    Miki July 10, 2020 9:45 am
    yeah? but when I see these twohttp://www.mangago.me/read-manga/i_m_banging_my_rival_from_a_parallel_world/uu/ibx_chapter-1/pg-16/and these twohttp://www.mangago.me/read-manga/zombie_hide_sex/nbt/ibx_chapter-6/p... FujoshiShoujo

    You're right damn! Especially in that there's a great resemblance
    Now I'm thinking If maybe the mangaka did it on purpose to shake our maddest theories or maybe he/she just draws very similar characters

    FujoshiShoujo July 11, 2020 12:54 pm
    You're right damn! Especially in that there's a great resemblance Now I'm thinking If maybe the mangaka did it on purpose to shake our maddest theories or maybe he/she just draws very similar characters Miki

    all I know if those two were really amatatsu’s friends from “I’m banging my rival” I’ll be extra sad TT-TT

    Miki July 11, 2020 12:57 pm
    all I know if those two were really amatatsu’s friends from “I’m banging my rival” I’ll be extra sad TT-TT FujoshiShoujo

    Why would you be sad though?

    FujoshiShoujo July 11, 2020 10:36 pm
    Why would you be sad though? Miki

    because they’re dead ┗( T﹏T )┛

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