Your neighborhood ass's experience ( All 2 )

Now that I got your guys attention, anyone know the name of this story/ stories or the artist(s)?   3 reply
04 10,2020
Anyone know the name of this manwha in the pic?   3 reply
30 08,2020

Your neighborhood ass's answer ( All 52 )

The power to make myself a DILF *ascends*   reply
22 07,2021
about question
Idk, in my opinion I feel like since mangago is one of the nicer manga websites and much more community based it seems to leave a bigger impression on people and makes people come to it more   reply
17 07,2021
*aggressively shakes my ass*   reply
15 07,2021

Your neighborhood ass's question ( All 5 )

Lol I just realised a lot of people I've seen have made their account in 2020 and wondered when other people made there's. Though I've more recently started using it, I feel a little weird that I started in 2017 ╥﹏╥
22 07,2021
I found this one and thought it looked cute. Make your current self or how you want to look, just remember that everyone's beautiful already :)
29 05,2021
Y'all are gonna hate me but people shit on tik tok stars for no reason most the time.

I don't even have tik tok and don't even pay attention to literally any of them, but you guys love hating on people for the dumbest shit. For example, dixi sings and y'all hate her. I don't like her music but comparing her to people with obviously more experience isn't gonna do shit. She's making a documentary about her journey in music and people think they're so edgy going "What journey" like stfu.

She literally just has a bunch of teen fans and they support her, it really isn't in her power to control how much streams her songs get. Yeah there are more people talented than her, no doubt, but is there anything effective about shaming her, no.

Just know, I'm only taking about dumb shit. If someone says the n word or is just a public nuisance, you guys have the right to criticize them.
But for little shit like the singing, it's absolutely uneccesary to hate
on dixi, hate her for something like going out in a pandemic.
18 01,2021
Hello, for anyone that was adopted, can you tell me about how you experienced life around you? Did you feel like you belong or did you feel left out. You can just share your experiences :)
28 09,2020
Anyone know where to watch 'Violet Evergarden: The Movie', cause ive been waiting for this movie for a while and I can't find it anywhere. The only places to watch it are in Japan (don't live there) or on a website, but those websites require a login or an account which I can't do. My impatient ass wants to see it but I'm brokkeee.
22 09,2020

People are doing

did read manga

Maybe I've been desensitised but I've seen worse tbh although I can't deny it's also really bad but the not the worse out there

37 minutes
did read manga

I was sexually abused when I was 7. I'm twisted and I like to imagine myself as the Shota. I find some comfort in it.

2 hours
did masturbated to yaoi


12 hours