How tf is Jace and the kid gonna get rescued, cause Jace has to eat some like poisonous thing and uhh that's not gonna be so good for him. Is there a novel or something that anyone has read where they can tell me?

I found some raws in chinese. I don't know chinese but we can at least have a grasp of how the plot will develop...
Sadly this link have so much ads that it's extremely irritating!!
And I didn't look the previous chapters (the ones that is already translated in english or spanish) but I think this raws are censored (I saw a kiss scene more censored than anything I saw until now in my life lol)

Can y'all give me some novel spoilers(⊙…⊙ ) like SPOILER ALERT
How tf does Isaac fight his stepfather, like does he get hurt or something because I know his stepfather kidnapped Isaacs mom and Benjamin so I was wondering how the fights scene would go

If I remember correctly, Cole bites Isaac and marks him so Isaac won't kill him, but then Felix arrives and since Cole's mark was still very little, Felix covers it with his own mark and triggers Isaac's heat. I don't remember a lot since it's been a while since I read the novel, but I'm going to read it again

Sure! Someone a while ago posted it here, hopefully the link is still working

Major spoiler below
After marking Isaac, Felix went for Cole and found him in the basement together with Benjamin and grandma. Felix released his ultra magical pheremone and like that Cole crumbled. The baby and grandma is now saved and Cole was tied up so that Isaac will be the one to kill him. Then, Felix went back to Isaac to find him in heat lmao ofc they fucked and Felix proposed. Finallyyy, Isaac and Felix went to tied up Cole and Isaac shot him starting from the knees up until he died. Afterwards, they made it looked like Cole committed suicide to escape his crimes(smthn like that).
Oml the professor is pretty good looking(⊙…⊙ )