The story follows Kokuryuu Kaguya as he joins the Battle Rabbits, an organization dedicated to prote...
- Author: Yuki Amemiya, Yukino Ichihara
- Genres: Action / Adventure / Drama / Josei / Shoujo
Watanuki Kimihiro is haunted by visions of ghosts and spirits. Seemingly by chance, he encounters a ...
- Author: CLAMP
- Genres: Comedy / Drama / Fantasy / Horror / Mystery / Seinen / Supernatural / Tragedy
Watanuki Kimihiro is haunted by visions of ghosts and spirits. Seemingly by chance, he encounters a ...
- Author: CLAMP
- Genres: Comedy / Drama / Fantasy / Horror / Mystery / Seinen / Supernatural / Tragedy
In a certain town exists a laboratory named "King Lab." Living there are genius scientists...
- Author: Ayase Retsu
- Genres: Comedy / Sci-fi / Shounen / Slice of Life
While an island half-disappearing from the face of the earth, a mysterious organization is sending o...
- Author: PARK Yong-Je
- Genres: Action / Adventure / Comedy / Martial Arts / Shounen / Webtoons
A hero who fights countless mythical creatures. A story of SPOON's remarkable efficiency!...
- Author: Samchon
- Genres: Action / Comedy / Fantasy / Sci-Fi / Shounen / Supernatural
A hero who fights countless mythical creatures. A story of SPOON's remarkable efficiency!...
- Author: Samchon
- Genres: Action / Comedy / Fantasy / Sci-Fi / Shounen / Supernatural
A hero who fights countless mythical creatures. A story of SPOON's remarkable efficiency!...
- Author: Samchon
- Genres: Action / Comedy / Fantasy / Sci-Fi / Shounen / Supernatural
He awakens. For 820 years he has slumbered with no knowledge of mankind's advancements and scie...
- Author: son jae ho,Lee Gwang-Su
- Genres: Action / Comedy / Fantasy / Mystery / School Life / Sci-fi / Shounen / Supernatural / Webtoons
He awakens. For 820 years he has slumbered with no knowledge of mankind's advancements and scie...
- Author: son jae ho,Lee Gwang-Su
- Genres: Action / Comedy / Fantasy / Mystery / School Life / Sci-fi / Shounen / Supernatural / Webtoons
He awakens. For 820 years he has slumbered with no knowledge of mankind's advancements and scie...
- Author: son jae ho,Lee Gwang-Su
- Genres: Action / Comedy / Fantasy / Mystery / School Life / Sci-fi / Shounen / Supernatural / Webtoons
He awakens. For 820 years he has slumbered with no knowledge of mankind's advancements and scie...
- Author: son jae ho,Lee Gwang-Su
- Genres: Action / Comedy / Fantasy / Mystery / School Life / Sci-fi / Shounen / Supernatural / Webtoons
By Hyper Parfait:The noble William possesses a rare kind of intelligence. The school he attends and ...
- Author: takadono madoka
- Genres: Fantasy / Josei / Supernatural
Plot: Hashiguchi, creator of Yakitate!! Japan is back with his latest manga series revolving around ...
- Author: takashi hashiguchi
- Genres: Comedy / Drama / Supernatural
Train Heartnet, also known as "Black Cat," was an infamous assassin for a secret organizat...
- Author: Yabuki Kentaro
- Genres: Action / Comedy / Drama / Sci-Fi / Shounen
A high school golfing manga that centres on a boy nicknamed "Robot" who encounters golf fo...
- Author: fujimaki tadatoshi
- Genres: Drama / School Life / Shounen / Sports
Tang Sect, the most famous martial arts sect of all. By stealing its most secret teachings to fulfil...
- Author: tang jia san shao
- Genres: Fantasy / webtoons