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YuInna0309 January 7, 2025 3:13 pm

Hi everyone.. once again I'm asking for your help ಥ‿ಥ

I'm looking for this cute BL manga where the MC is into acting. He was trying to get a role as an actor but he gets rejected bc his actions where too much for drama. MC is from theatre so that's why he's actions are a bit exaggerated but he still hoping to get a rolw for a drama.

The ML is a tall guy and deaf mute. MC mistakenly thought he was a foreigner bc he didn't answer when he talked to him.

Both of them are in college

That's all I remember when I read it and it was still ongoing. I wanna read it again and to see if it was updated. Last chapter I remember was in the train scene where ML kissed MC.

Thank you for helping me find it.

YuInna0309 October 23, 2024 3:26 pm

Hello~~ once again I'm here asking for help ㅠㅠ
I've read a manga where the mc and ml are childhood friends. The mc refer to himself in 3rd person coz it makes him cute as what the people around him always say. He was confident until they were in middle school. He began feeling insecure since the ml was handsome and is surrounded by pretty people. The ml has heterochromia, different eye color. The mc thought that he should stop referring to himself in 3rd person and started to avoid the ml and this bothered the ml, tho it was the ml who made the mc insecure/outcast? Anyways, I wanna check it again since the translation was bad, I was thinking that maybe someone uploaded a better one.

Please help me once again

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