Hello, earlier i was on Lezhin i bought some coins but after spending them on cool manhwas I discovered this one called “would you give your heart to me?” There were 6 free chappies and then since I reached the limit in my card i cant buy anymore so i was wondering, is it by anychance here, just to satisfy my curiosity

uhm, there's a little thing called the search bar... yeah, thought you should know.

So guys there is this manhwa on Lez that i really liked (only 2 free) but i cant purchase atm cause no money I cant find it here so i wonder if they changed the name, the name there is "Following Namsoo to the bathhouse" can
Someone gimme the name or the link if it is here?


i hate when people beg for other people to buy them shit because they're not satisfied with what they already have. you have this whole plethora of manga and manwha you van reread already and you can't have one of them so you beg people on here to buy iy for you. you sound ungrateful and desperate, next time you do this just remember you look cheap as fuck and no one wants to buy shit for a stranger thats begin for it.

I hate it when ppl start judging others and making their own not so smart assumptions so honey, lemme explain even tho i dont have to, i never asked anyone to do anything, i never asked anyone to buy shit for me, I never said that i cant have one of them, i simply asked if its here or not, the fact that youre here means that ure reading for free too so dont call others ungrateful or desperate when u dont even know them, okay?

1st of all, thank you for you lovelies who helped me out
Second of all, it seems some ppl are being sensitive this lovely day, so lemme it explain the situation ONCE AND FORALL even tho i really dont have to so spare me your not so smart words, when i made this request, I never asked anyone to buy it for me or i never said that i can never afford it, there is word that if u took some effin seconds, u couldve seen it "atm = at the moment" some of u read for free and then start sayin shit abt askin ppl to buy it for them or abt not affording it, Gosh attackin ppl w/o even knowin anything or knowing them, calm yo tits 'kay?

Hii everyone, i was reading a manga w/ alpha, beta and omega, there is this omega guy with his beta butler(the butler loves his master), the omega went to a family full of alphas, he got his heat moment and everyone wanted to jump on him, he and the alpha son fell inlove and the omega got pregnant, i know im kinda spoiling it but i need to give u guys details to remember it, so please please if anyone of u does remember it, tell me

Ka...kakuma..shita destiny or something like that. #love_miyauchi
Im watchin the drama and its amazing u have to check it out !! Anyways, did anyone read the webtoon? I couldnt read it and i got curious abt some stuff like Is it all similar to the drama so far or did they change some details?