Aqua the real MC of this story so he should have a happy ending...in his first life he got killed then in 2nd life also die...with this ending, he just conveniently used by the plot to make Ruby the star idol...imo, the real star is Aqua
Yep, I really thought he is gonna commit a perfect crime like his father and live his life.. But nah... To be frank, Aqua kept me tied with this manga.. I like Ruby too bt the character of Aqua just hits different ngl... Twisted yet passionate... On the spotlight of many people's life yet lonely... Aqua's contradicting nature is really amaing...
I kind of understand what author did but at the same time I can't help but but feel like it was rushed and out of the blue. I understand why would aqua do it but I thought that after the chapter where he had conversation with his past life he decided to leave behind regrets of his paself and have normal life. The whole thing lacked sense to me, I dont know if it's because author rushed ending or is it because while waiting for new chapters I forgot some details that would tie together those events. Either way imo the thing lacked sense
True...if it's ending like this then, Aqua reincarnated just to make Ruby a star..I know she's critically ill & depressed in past life..but Dr life is lonely too, he had no one before fanboying Ai..he must had dreams too like seeing Ai's live concert, falling in love..in terms of talent, Aqua got hidden talent as actor bcoz he can immersed himself with the characters he played..he literally carried the story plot but then made an easy choice & pass the baton to others to deal in the end #justiceforaqua
This story reminds me of Oni to Tengoku...young s seme x old pathetic m uke...maybe bcoz I'm into old pathetic uke
STOPPP i thought i was the only one with that thought i felt insane i prob miss them too much
thank you for introducing me to oni to tengoku holy freak such a good read
Yup, me too it's still ongoing..I read it waaayy too many times
You're welcome... there's 3 seasons currently..still ongoing though