Sure execution could've been better but helps raise awareness in that individuals in any group can have racist tendencies. It does matter if they're Black, White, Asian, Indian, African, Latino/a, etc. they can still be racist, acting on the belief that their race is superior or inferior, towards people of other races. This could be based on skin tone or it could be based on other features such as hair and eye colors. And many of them find 'excuses' to support their actions. In this case the Mix kid used oppression from history or events that sadly happened in current day to excuse his actions against those with lighter skin tones. He's a bully with an excuse to beat down on others just like all the other stories. This one just happens to be about race.
If someone moves to an area where there's predominantly another race, there are individuals that may act like this as disappointing as it is. For example: My father (Latino) grew up in a poverty stricken neighborhood that happened to be predominantly black and her family were one of the few 'white' families in the area in terms of skin tone. As such the black kids would often pick on him and his siblings calling them 'cracker' and other slurs. If my dad or his siblings fought back they would get ganged up on.
Now hopefully such behavior doesn't continue in present day, but it may still be around in different groups. Even if they don't have different skin tones it still may happen.
I wouldn't mind if they redid the story.
2024-02-16 19:43 marked
Okay I, for one, am going to defend "chapter 125" because I like the premis...