Big boy has the emotional intelligence of a potato. I'm still here for the toxic, but to get hard on a very negative emotionally charged situation like that ...
First, why is his dick the color of menstruation blood?
And, only she wants a threesome, hahahaha.
So fucking dumb, and I like toxic, but this makes no sense. The psycho is doing everything a psycho is known to do, but in which universe do we need to call a doctor because the psycho is crying instead of because the bottom is bleeding from his behind, and was beaten... I have no problems with the psycho, he's in charter, bUT Inseob has gone from naive, to plain stupid, literally, he has only two neurons and both are blushing for the Psycho
A psycho doing what a psycho does... And Inseob being the dumb gullible person he is... Cuz we know now that psycho "likes" him, it's all forgiven. Good thing I like toxic romance, I guess
Cliff is completely innocent, cuz grooming from the author, dude was the first in line as her manipulation doll
I'm angry but not good what you think. This ashole is a great character, it's refreshing to see a realistic depiction of a psychopath. They're smart, they're charming, they "look normal" until they throw away the facade. There's no empathy, of course.
InSe , on the other hand... Is just a boring doormat. He's just dumb (badly written).
- I'll kill you if you ever try to defend yourself FROM me
- Uh?! *Blushes* but that's kinda romantic tho...
InS is not idiotic in the literal sense, but nothing he does is realistic on any level, even real life doormats do more than mop around just because... C'mon!
I want a better cooprotagonist for such interesting psychopath asshole.
The full lore about sex is so idiotic, the dialog in the sex scenes is what an aneurysm must feel like...
1. Probably the first couple's story was significantly profitable for the author (probably) so they decided to write a second part... When they were out of ideas, and didn't care anymore about logic, or basic common sense. Cuz let's face it, this dude is fckng stpd. I mean, he throws tantrums that would put to shame a 10 year old. He simply has no more than two or three neurons up there, and two are already overbooked.
2. I got lost, what's the issue with the adoption and such? What was the problem the idiot seme has with the princess dude? (Don't remember the names).
How's the sex so hot when the bottom is so dumb?
I like toxic, but the little guy is just so annoying, he's so dumb, he's a dormat, I don't understand how's the top so obsessed with him when he's that boring, has barely any personality. Whyyy.
Sex would have been better without little guys annoying thoughts.
A son like that it's the best add for condoms...
-Uhh WhY arE yoU maLnourIshEd, anGrY and SiCk if I only sent you to be tortured a little...