I'm on 12 but I'm so vexed with Victor sleeping around. Will he stop soon? If that's the plot then I'll just back off and not continue reading. Not touching this ever because I don't like MCs/MLs who sleep around, if true.
And whoever answers this, can you please direct me to chaps with Van and Ian? Because they are what intrigued me in the 1st place and made me decide to read this.

Spoiler: Victor does stop sleeping around and tbh I feel that that’s the least worrying about since Yohan is pretty much lying to him
But for your answer about the best couple ever:
You get introduced to Ian and Van in chapters 24, 25, and 26.
Then we get more moments about them on chapter 47, 53, 54, and I think 55.
Then the most loved moment of them is chapter 72 and 73 (be prepared to be filled with IANS cuteness!!!)